Acute Appendicitis A반 5조A반 5조
Definition Appendicitis is a condition in which the appendix becomes swollen, inflamed, and filled with pus.
Causes Infection : A stomach infection may have found its way to the appendix. Obstruction : A hard piece of stool may have got trapped in the appendix. The bacteria in the trapped stool may then have infected the appendix.
Progressively worsening pain Coughing or sneezing is painful Nausea & Vomiting Diarrhea Inability to pass gas (break wind, fart) Fever Constipation Loss of appetite Symptoms
Diagnosis A blood test : To determine whether there is an infection. Urine test : This will identify a kidney or bladder infection. A protein detectable in urine might serve as a biomarker for appendicitis MRI or CT : To view a 3-D image of the appendix and see whether it is inflamed (swollen). Color Doppler ultrasound : It should be the first imaging examination for patients with suspected acute appendicitis
Treatment Laparotomy : This procedure consists in the removal of the infected appendix through a single larger incision in the lower right area of the abdomen.
Treatment Laparoscopic surgery : This surgical is a modern surgical technique in which operations in the abdomen are performed through small incisions as opposed to the larger incisions needed in laparotomy.
Observation of vital signs Assess the scale of pain : characteristics, scale, location Assess the state of the wound Advise to change position as tilted to the right, left and sat down. Assess nutritional status Auscultation of bowel sounds Give wound care information and disease. Nursing care
Health Guide : Nanda Nurse Diary : preoperative-and.html MNT(Medical News Today) : Wikipedia : reference