Gross and Microscopic findings Lorenzo, Jemuh, Anton.


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Presentation transcript:

Gross and Microscopic findings Lorenzo, Jemuh, Anton

Please read with pathology of lung malignancies cases trans Picture(s) come first then the description follows

Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Malignant epithelial tumor with glandular differentiation Tumor cells are round to ovoid or cuboidal to columnar with moderate cytoplasm, large round nuclei, and prominent nucleoli Indistinct cell membranes Mucin production of tumor cells may be seen Patterns: Acinar, Papillary, broncvhioalveolar, solid with mucin production

Pulmonary Squamous Cell Carcinoma Sheets, islands, and cords of round to polygonal tumor cells infiltrating the lung parenchyma The tumor cells have abundant cytoplasm and large round to irregular nuclei with prominent nucleoli The tumor usually show keratinization: keratin pearls or individual cell kertinization characterized by a deeply eosinophilic cytoplasm Intercellular bridges may be seen

Germinoma/Seminoma (Thymus) Composed of nests of tumor cells dissected by fibrous septa with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates The cells are round with moderate cytoplasm and round large centrally located nucelei with prominent nuclei Cytoplasm frequently presents with clearing giving the tumor cells a fried egg appearance

Metastatic Germ cell tumor (Yolk sack + Seminoma) Seminoma component Read the description from two slides before this yo Yolk sac component Intermingling of epithelial and mesynchymal elements in a characteristic organoid pattern The epithelial element consists of round cells with large nuclei and irregular nuclear membranes Perivascular Schiller- Duval bodies: tumor cells surrounding a blood vessel

Gross lab