Blogs, Wikis, Google Tools, Podcasts, Digital Posters, Video Production, Presentation software, Smart Boards, Concept Mapping / Graphic Organizers, Aggregators & RSS Feeds
21st Century Skills We must confront the “cut-and-paste culture head-on, eliminating those classroom practices that encourage and promote such lazy thinking and research, replacing them with activities that are more challenging and more worthwhile.” - Beyond Cut-and -Paste by Jamie McKenzie
21st Century Skills “What are the traits of cut-and-paste thinking? Scooping Smushing A general lack of original thought Susceptibility Surrender” Beyond Cut-and -Paste by Jamie McKenzie
New Zealand Curriculum “Thinking is about using creative, critical, and metacognitive processes to make sense of information, experiences, and ideas. Theses processes can be applied to purposes such as developing, understanding, making decisions, shaping actions, or constructing knowledge. Intellectual curiosity is at the heart of this competency.”
New Zealand Curriculum “Students who are competent thinkers and problem-solvers actively seek, use and create knowledge. They reflect on their own learning, draw on personal knowledge and intuitions, ask questions, and challenge the basis of assumptions and perceptions.”
ICT 21st Century Skills “Using digital technology, communication tools and/or networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in order to function in a knowledge economy.” “Using technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information, and the possession of fundamental understanding of the ethical / legal issues surround the access and use of information.”
WEB Blogging
Blogs & Blogging Blogging is most like an online journal A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
What are the benefits of classroom blogging? Kids love blogging. Students who lack the reading and writing skills they need to succeed also may lack the motivation to practice those skills. Many are motivated, however, to chat virtually with their friends. Seeing their words published on the Web is a great student motivator. Blogs offer an innovative way for students to engage in reflective writing on classroom topics in a familiar medium. Blogs represent a democratization of information dissemination, providing each individual with the opportunity to publicly present his or her thoughts and opinions. Students who know they have an audience other than their teacher write more credibly, accurately, and carefully. Blogs allow others to respond, providing feedback to the authors. In short, blogs can bring today's students into the world of writing -- even at 2 a.m., even in their pajamas! Best of all, blogs are easy to create and maintain!
Two Types of Blogs Personal Journal Is meant to be shared Readers, generally, can comment Limited interaction On-Line Discussion / Debate Multiple students share a blog and post comments for each other and to each other. Maximum interaction
Creating a Blog Three free sites – Blogger (owned by Google) – Class Blogmeister (owned by David Warlick) – (Non-profit created and run by teachers)
Creating a Blog Blogmister Open a browser and go to Set up your Blog and you are ready to begin blogging. Northwestern Winsted, CT UN Our School's Access Code is: nn4 SEEdebate - online current events discussion site where students meet up with their peers from around the country to discuss global news. Safe, educational environment. Broad range of topics and opinions about events As SEEdebate grows - all over the world - increasingly provide opportunities - collaboration between classes in different countries. SEEdebate - incorporated into any curriculum. Anatomy of a Seedebate Article Anatomy of a Seedebate Assignment Seedebate Rubric
WEB Wiki
Wiki “Wiki” Hawaian for “quick” Wikis are more collaborative in nature Group work, research Anyone can add to a Wiki Wikis should be monitored Wikis are great for group projects and assignments Can tell who contributed what to the work.
Let’s set up a WIKI Two good free sites are PBWiki and WIKI Spaces. Open your browser and go to Register as a new user and begin to create a wiki. Wiki Spaces - Lets try creating an account Wiki Spaces My Wiki Space
Google Docs Available through gmail Allows users to work collaboratively on a Word Document, spreadsheet, or power point. Users may also chat with each other while working Open your browser and go to Google DocsGoogle Docs Register as a new user and begin to use Google Docs
RSS Feeds Real Simple Syndication A way to have the Internet delivered to your computer – push technology My Google reader pageGoogle I consider RSS feeds on of the great time savers for teachers
Aggregator Set Up Open a Google account On the top of the Google page click on More Click on Reader Set up a page in your name
Adding feeds to your RSS Aggregator page Go to the site that you wish to add to your aggregator. – Click on the orange box in the address block of the page. ( Example )Example – Or, go to your aggregator page and add the URL address to you’re a aggregator page ( Example )Example
WEB Presentation & Production
Presentation & Production Power Points & Clickers Slide Shows Podcasts Video Production Digital Posters SMART Notebook Concept Mapping / graphic organizers Webpage and webpage design Social Networking Video Conferencing - Skype & iChat
Power Point & Clickers Basic Presentation software Teacher created Student Created Collaborative through Google Docs Interactive - Use of Clickers Interact - Software
Slide Shows Creating slideshows of images Teacher created Student Created Software - iPhoto (MAC) or photo browser software App - AnimotoAnimoto
Podcasts Podcasts - Three Types Audio Podcasts Audio Podcasts with either a slideshow or a powerpoint Video Podcasts or Vodcasts
Podcasts Podcasts - Software & Apps Garageband / iMovie (mac) Audacity (PC) - Free Download Audacity (PC) Prof Cast Apps Voice Thread National Archives -Digital Vault
Video Production Video Production - Software & Apps iMovie (mac) Microsoft Movie Maker (PC) Apps Voice Thread National Archives -Digital Vault Xtra Normal - Text to Speech Xtra Normal School Tube - Safe for schools. School Tube Samples - My School TubeMy School Tube
Digital Poster Production Digital Poster Production - Software & Apps Adope Photoshop (mac & PC) We have a 500 user license Apps National Archives -Digital Vault Glougster - Digital Poster site Glougster
SMART Board Tools & SMART Board Notebook Software SMART Board Tools SMART Notebook - Presentation Software Site Licence - NOW
Concept Mapping / Graphic Organizers Inspiration - We have a License Inspiration Timeliner XE - Tom Snyder Timeliner XE
Webpage & Webpage Design Webpages for communication Middle School Webpage Software - Webpage Design iWeb (Mac) Adope Suite - We have licensing Various on-line apps
Social Networking Who is teaching kids how to appropriately communicate and interact in this new realm? Social Network Revolution Video
Social Networking NING - Create Your Own Social Network Facebook - Student Council Website on Social Networking Today’s Meet - “Back Channel” NCSS - Social Studies Social Network Student News Action Network Wiki - Great Debate 2008
Video Conferencing iChat (Mac) SKYPE - App
Much, Much More New Apps are being added every day/hour Cannot keep up Sometimes it is good to follow