Art and Design Entry Level Guidance for Teachers
Contents Guidance for Teachers Examples of Students’ Work Further Information Acknowledgements Additional Copies
Purpose of this guidance This guidance outlines: the benefits for students taking the course; the focus of the qualification; what students must do to meet the course requirements; what is involved in teaching, assessing and marking students’ work; and how students’ work is moderated.
Which students would benefit from this qualification? The CCEA Entry Level Art and Design qualification is aimed at lower attaining students who may not be suited to following a full GCSE course in the subject.
Benefits for students Entry Level Art and Design: provides an opportunity for students to achieve a recognised qualification in Art and Design; encourages students to progress to higher level Art and Design qualifications i.e. Foundation GNVQ; motivates students and encourages their interest in Art and Design.
Focus of the qualification Investigating & Realising
What does the student do to achieve this qualification? At the end of two years, students: Produce Coursework three bodies of work - at least one related to the set theme, should work in three out of the seven areas indicated in the specification, are not required to produce final outcomes but to show breadth of experience;
What does the student do to achieve this qualification? At the end of two years, students also: Respond to an Externally Set Task produce a body of work based on an externally set theme, the body of work must be in one of the areas of study already used in the coursework.
Content of coursework Students produce coursework from three of these areas of study: Imaginative Design; Drawing and Painting; Photography; Ceramics; Printmaking; Textiles; and Three-Dimensional Studies.
Role of the teacher Teaching, by: educating, facilitating, supporting, encouraging and motivating students; and ensuring that students address the specification requirements. Marking and Assessing, by: applying assessment objectives and the assessment focus to work produced; and selecting a sample of students’ work for moderation.
Coursework and examination Coursework The set theme for coursework changes every two years – (check specification on Externally Set Task (Exam) Available in centres by the end of December.
Marking and assessing Students’ work is assessed using: the Assessment Objectives; and the Assessment Focus.
Marking and moderation Students’ work is assessed throughout the course under the headings of: Contribution; Progression; and Achievement.
Assessment focus Assessment indicates how marks should be awarded for: each coursework unit; and the Externally Set Task.
The qualification is awarded at three levels Entry 3 The candidate has completed every element of the course, has shown a degree of competence in each of the required assessment objectives and has shown ability to apply these independently. Entry 2 The candidate has completed every element of the course, has shown a degree of competence in most of the assessment objectives and has shown an ability to apply these with a little help. Entry 1 The candidate has attempted most of the elements of the course, has shown some degree of competence in each of the assessment objectives and has shown ability to apply these skills with a great deal of help.
Levels and marks Entry 3 overall marks of 75 or above required. Entry 2 overall marks of 55 to 74 required. Entry 1 overall marks of 30 to 54 required.
Moderation: timing and focus A moderator will visit each centre in May to moderate the: three units of coursework; and the Externally Set Task. (The sample moderated is selected by the teacher. The number in the sample is determined by a formula related to the number of candidates.)
Moderation: approach It is understood that: There will be evidence of the teacher’s input in the work presented for moderation. The teacher will be encouraged to discuss each student’s work with the moderator –to ensure that the moderator has an understanding of issues relating to both the candidate and their work.