Entrepreneurial Discovery The process of systematically scanning for technological, political, and regulatory, social, and demographic changes to discover opportunities to produce new goods and services DEFINITION
Entrepreneurs are the mechanism by which our economy turns demand into supply. Entrepreneurs are a principal source of venture capital. Money is one of the most important of these resources. Entrepreneurs usually start with their own funds and then seek out contributions from private investors. CONTRIBUTIONS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL DISCOVERY TO SOCIETY
Entrepreneurs provide jobs. The most successful entrepreneurs change society. CONTRIBUTION CONTINUED
Any time things change, there is an opportunity for entrepreneurship. IDENTIFY CHANGES THAT ENCOURAGE ENTREPRENEURIAL DISCOVERY Political Change Social Change Demographic Change Technological Change
Guided Practice – Identify ways the following types of change have led to entrepreneurial discovery Political change - election of a new President Social change majority of mothers and fathers working outside the home Demographic change use of Spanish language increasing rapidly in U.S. ACTIVITIES
Commitments and determination Leadership Opportunity obsession Tolerance of risk, ambiguity and uncertainty Creativity, self-reliance and ability to adapt Motivation to excel Social nature SOME CHARACTERISTICS ASSOCIATED WITH ENTREPRENEURS:
Scientific Occurs when a physical or technological observation is made Circumstantial Occurs when an observation is made based on specific knowledge of time, place, or circumstance SCIENTIFIC VS. CIRCUMSTANTIAL DISCOVERY
The introduction of a new good or a new quality of a good The introduction of a new method of production The opening of a new market The conquest of a new source of supply of raw materials or components The reorganization of any industry AREAS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL DISCOVERY
Analogies – comparing an unfamiliar abstract idea with an already known mental image Pattern recognition – many problems can be diagnosed and remedied this way Prototype – a 3-dimensional version of your vision Reverse engineering – examining a completed product with the intent of understanding the technology and process used in it design, manufacture, or operation TECHNIQUES ENTREPRENEURS CAN USE TO RECOGNIZE OPPORTUNITIES