Entrepreneurial Leadership Fact or fiction Steve Brannagan
What does it mean? Entrepreneurial Leadership
Public sector entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs Social Entrepreneurs Public Entrepreneurs You Entrepreneurial Leadership Risk Failure Reward Profit Social Benefit Resources Culture Innovation Value
Public or Private PublicPrivate StakeholderShareholder Resources Opportunity Policy Ethics Risk Appetite Risk Management Innovation Politics Authority Competition
Leadership tensions EL S.J.Brannagan based on Currie et al (2008)
Roles of an Entrepreneurial Leader S.J.Brannagan based on Currie et al (2008) Stakeholder PoliticalEntrepreneurial External Environment Internal Environment Innovation Opportunity Resources Risk
Does your organisation know your risk appetite? Compliance & Regulation Operational/Service Delivery Financial Reputation Strategic Transformational Change Development & Regeneration People & Culture Reputation Compliance Financial Research Education & Student Experience Knowledge Exchange International Development Major change activities Environment and Social Responsibilities People and culture
Is it Real? Is the need real? Is the service real Is there a need or desire for the service? Is it clearly the responsibility of the council ? Is there a clear service concept? Does the scale of the need warrant the service provision ? Can the service be delivered ? Will the final service satisfy demand ? Are similar successful services delivered by other public bodies or groups ? Will the service be utilised ? Can we Win? Can the service be competitive ? Can the council be competitive? Do we have appropriate management and resources to deliver the service? Is there a clear rationale for insourcing or outsourcing the service? Can we be more cost effective and efficient than existing service providers? Will the service deliver a budgetary surplus or neutral position? How will external service providers respond ? Would the council be the sole provider of the service? Is it Worth doing? Will the service be effective at an acceptable risk? Does the service make strategic sense? Are costs known and budget available for delivering the service? Are risks acceptable ? Does the service fit with the councils strategic aims? Will senior management and members support it ? Will the service represent best value to the council? Are there clear beneficial outcomes ? S.J.Brannagan based on Schrello
Entrepreneurial Leadership – Fact
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Procurement Delivery Options Market Research Specification Tender Implement Contract Manage Contract Supplier Dev’t Purchasing Procurement Needs Resources Review Priorities Deliver Monitor Strategic Commissioning OpportunityResourcesRisk Entrepreneurship Commercial Excellence
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