17 July 2007IPDA Steering Committee UK Data Activities Peter Allan, STFC/RAL Mark Leese, Open University.


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Presentation transcript:

17 July 2007IPDA Steering Committee UK Data Activities Peter Allan, STFC/RAL Mark Leese, Open University

17 July 2007IPDA Steering Committee Organisation No space agency Most science/EO missions done via ESA BNSC: overview of all space activities Research Councils: science & facilities Universities: science Industry: build

17 July 2007IPDA Steering Committee Funding BNSC: funds technology and standards STFC: funds astronomy/planetary science STFC = PPARC + CCLRC NERC: funds Earth Observation Post launch support funded separately

17 July 2007IPDA Steering Committee Who does what? Universities: Lead on science & build STFC: Science, build, data proc & archive Industry: Build Build = instruments & software Satellites come via prime SSTL build small satellites

17 July 2007IPDA Steering Committee Data Archives Mainly astronomy, solar, space plasma Planetary: use ESA and NASA Earth Observation: atmosphere and surface (BADC + NEODC) Accessible as web/grid services via AstroGrid and NERC Data Grid

17 July 2007IPDA Steering Committee UK Archiving Groups Several UK university groups are currently involved in planetary data archiving activities: Cassini-Huygens – Huygens Data delivered (OU) Cassini archiving ongoing (Imperial) Rosetta archiving (OU) – 2014/ 2015 (expect similar problems to Cassini in long life mission – i.e. does anyone still understand the instrument!) ExoMars (OU, Oxford, MSSL, Leicester Univ) – Instrument build Design in Data Archiving in this phase. Bepi Colombo (Leicester) 2019/2020