Tuesday, 31 March 2009 Marriott Renaissance Hotel Rue du Parnasse, 19 Brussels, Belgium Registration at: Research has shown that perceptions are one of the strongest predictors of behavior. Anheuser-Busch invites you to take part in a forum to discuss how social norms theory has been used to develop and implement programs to promote responsible drinking among populations at risk. Hear from leading experts and organizations on the science of social norms and best practices for successful implementation. Speakers: Opening Remarks Robert Madelin Director General for Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission Reducing Risk Behavior Among Young People in Denmark: The Ringsted Project Flemming Balvig, J.D. Institute of Legal Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Overview of the Social Norms Approach Jennifer Bauerle, Ph.D. Director, National Social Norms Institute, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States Decreasing Consumption by Personalized Normative Web Feedback Bridgette Bewick, M.A. Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Social Norms Research in Europe: Getting Started John McAlaney, Ph.D. Psychology Lecturer, University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom Social Norms in Action in a Public Space Jon Collins Executive Chairman, NOCTIS, United Kingdom Paul Smith Executive Director, NOCTIS, United Kingdom Paul Foster Commercial Division Manager, Croydon Council, United Kingdom University of Virginia’s Social Norms Program: Implementation and Results James Turner, M.D. Director of Student Health, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, United States Hosted By:
What is the Social Norms Approach? A five-step behavior change model based on correcting a population’s misperception about behavior. This is accomplished by using the normative, healthy behavior data from a given population and feeding it back to it through a marketing medium. Social norms has been used to help reduce high-risk drinking and promote harm-reduction behaviors. Using this approach, universities have seen documented reductions of up to more than 40 percent in heavy alcohol consumption and comparable reductions in alcohol-related negative consequences. The University of Virginia (UVA) in the United States is home to the National Social Norms Institute and a leader in implementing social norms marketing programs among universities nationwide. Learn more about social norms and how to successfully employ this data-driven approach to help reduce high-risk drinking at: For additional information: Sabine Wimpissinger Tel: With the support of: Examples of Social Norms Campaigns The Ringsted Project aimed to change young pupil’s attitudes and misbeliefs towards smoking. The program focused on correcting misperceptions and has shown that targeting normative misperceptions is a very fruitful method of prevention. The University of Bradford and Youth Media are in the second year of a project to survey normative misperceptions in a range of behaviors at 100 university and college sites across the UK. The program includes an online intervention component. Unitcheck, a social norms intervention, is focused on reducing student alcohol misuse by using a web-based personalized feedback. The Unitcheck intervention was initially developed and evaluated at the University of Leeds.