Attracting the Next Hydro-Generation Katie Clarkson, P.E. FERC, Portland Regional Office
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 2 Introduction Planning for the Next Generation Attracting the Next Generation Training the Next Generation Retaining the Next Generation
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 3 FERC Regulation? FERC Statutes and Regulations, 18 CFR Subpart C – Emergency Action Plan §12.25, Posting and readiness. (b) Each licensee or applicant must annually test the state of training and readiness of key licensee or applicant personnel responsible for responding properly during a project emergency to ensure that they know and understand the procedures to be followed throughout a project emergency.
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 4 Planning for the Next Generation FERC Owner’s Dam Safety Program
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 5 Planning for the Next Generation Owner’s self-assessment tool to evaluate the essential elements of a dam safety program.
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 6 Planning for the Next Generation ODSP Organizational Practices A.Recognition of Responsibility for Dam Safety B.Communication C.Allocation of Resources to Dam Safety D.Learning Organization E.Clear Designation of Responsibility
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 7 Attracting the Next Generation Internships Selling Points –Stability –Variety –Society
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 8 Training the Next Generation ODSP Technical Requirements A.Technical Competence of Responsible Personnel, B.Ongoing Visual Surveillance, Performance Monitoring and Periodic Inspection, C.Emergency Preparedness, D.Ongoing Maintenance, E.Remediation of Dam Safety Deficiencies or Vulnerabilities
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 9 Training the Next Generation
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 10 Training the Next Generation Mentorship Formal vs. Informal Potential Failure Modes Analysis Risk?
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 11 Retaining the Next Generation Salary & Benefits Opportunities for Growth Selling Points –Stability –Variety –Society
2/22/2011NWHA ConferencePage 12 Questions?