NOISE Team Activities Working together for a sustainable future since 1889 CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Noise Team
Team Activities - summary Leading the change to zero harm Leading Practices o Promoting the HPD-TAS tool Building relationship with stakeholders o Engaging all stakeholders (DMR, Mines, Unions, OEMs, Research institutions) o OH (Noise) - Completeness of the Asset Optimisation process o Re- energise team activities Draft Expert Model o Summary of the risk being addressed by the Team o Expert level knowledge about all fundamental aspects of the noise risk, from the nature of the hazard and its sources to the safety or health effects people may experience, including an assessment of their likelihood – Integrated management of the noise risk o For focused attention should best be focused, & for establishing an expert datum for later use in the development of behavioural communication plans.
Leading Practices Leading the change to zero harm 1 st Leading Practice - Noise Elimination (2008) o Electric Drilling Machine Potential to reduce noise by 6 dBA Source Mine : AngloGold Ashanti – Tau Tona Demo Mine : Moab Khotsong Adopters : None other than the Demo Mine Not successful for various reasons Readiness for adoption: Required substantial R&D: only available for stope drilling Cost constraints: Required substantial refinement that prooved to be expensive Only Leasing Option available Other: “Climate” – “Energy crisis” paved the way for selecting as leading practice.
Leading Practices Leading the change to zero harm 1 st Leading Practice (cont.) Is concept worth revisiting? YES It is the ultimate Goal – part of zero harm Long term view Dedicated workshop on source elimination Involving OEMs & Research institutions Current Noise at source - ± 108 dBA 2013 Milestone : < 110 dBA Legal Requirement : Noise Exposure: 85 dBLAeq,8h Shortfall: 25 dBA to be compensated for by HPDs
Leading Practices Leading the change to zero harm 2nd Leading Practice - PPE and Administrative Control ( ) o Hearing Protection Device, Training,Awareness and Selection Tool (HPD _ TAS) Enables Occupational Hygienists to select the correct HPD per occupation based on noise exposures Training and awareness material – an explanation on the effects of noise, hearing protection devices and the usage, care and maintenance Only segments of the Leading Practice gets adopted & integrated into HCP programs
Leading Practices Leading the change to zero harm 2nd Leading Practice - PPE and Administrative Control ( ) o Hearing Protection Device, Training, Awareness and Selection Tool (HPD _ TAS) Few Mines have adopted segments of the leading practice Communication flow challenges within organizations Engineering Controls o Suite of Leading Practices Need based approach Collaboration with suppliers
Challenges Leading the change to zero harm Absence of an effective Industry Team Leading practices are not successfully adopted Noise has a lower priority compared to other Safety challenges (FoG, fatigue, T&M etc) and OH ( TB, HIV, Dust) Noise hearing loss PREVENTION viz noise hearing loss COMPENSATION o Improved but plateauing NHIL compensation figures (RMA) o Paradigm shift
Shared Vision Leading the change to zero harm Source: RMA
Expected workshop outcomes Leading the change to zero harm Formation of an effective NOISE INDUSTRY TEAM Source Elimination - revisit the source elimination concepts such as electric, hydraulic drills etc o In-depth review of source elimination concepts – long term view Dedicated workshop on source elimination Collaborating with OEMs & Research institutions o Part of Mining System Longer timelines (>10 yrs) Report on the new mines, expansion projects etc that are now designed/ compatible for electric, hydraulic drills etc o Consensus on the need for a standardized Buy quiet policies etc
Expected workshop outcomes (cont.) Leading the change to zero harm Closure’ strategy on the HPD _TAS Tool Leading Practice o Duration of the facilitation phase o Do we still have a challenge of employees not wearing HPDs? o Do we need a customised MOSH Process for this? o ‘Upgrade’ the Tool and form a COPA Engineering controls o Guide the Team on how to effectively manage and promote these Simple Leading Practices o Booklet, timelines etc. Consensus on NHIL targets for next two, five & ten years