Mobility in Serbia: regulatory framework and the main characteristics University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences November, 2014
Content: European framework for mobility National framework University of Belgrade and implementation of the student mobility How to make it better?
European framework for student mobility Bologna Declaration (1999) introduces mobility in Higher education. In the Bologna Declaration, the ministers affirmed their intention to: adopt a system of easily readable and comparable degrees; adopt a system with two main cycles (undergraduate/graduate); establish a system of credits (such as ECTS); promote mobility by overcoming obstacles; promote European co-operation in quality assurance; promote European dimensions in higher education.
Two types of mobility: When discussing student mobility one encounters different aspects or types of mobility. In general student mobility can be classified by the length of the study period at the other HE institution: Horizontal mobility or non-degree mobility refers to studying abroad (or on other HE institution) mainly for a short period as an exchange student, whereby students only complete some modules or courses, but not whole degrees. Vertical mobility or degree mobility means studying abroad for a full degree (MA level or PhD level).
Instruments for ensuring mobility: ECTS, the credit system for higher education used in the European Higher Education Area, involving all countries engaged in the Bologna Process ECTS is one of the cornerstones of the Bologna process. Inter-institutional agreements, can be signed between two or more higher education institutions (HEIs), so providing for the possibility of mobilities between groupings of institutions. A “Learning Agreement” sets out the programme of studies/traineeship to be followed and is approved by the student, the sending and the receiving institution/enterprise.
National framework for student mobility Republic of Serbia has signed Bologna Declaration in The New Law on Higher Education was adopted in and in Article 4, mobility has been recognized as one of the core principles of the system in the process of harmonization with the European higher education system. Strategy for Development of Education in Serbia by 2020, defines mobility as one of the main preconditions of modernization of Higher education.
University level Universities have an autonomy in implementation of student mobility in accordance to national regulatory framework. University of Belgrade: Statute of the University of Belgrade The Strategy of Quality Assurance of University of Belgrade Rulebook on student mobility and recognition of ECTS gained during the mobility period (Article 3 defines that the main criteria for transfer and recognition of ECTS are “learning outcomes defined in the study programme”).
Horizontal and Vertical Student Mobility (Uni. BG, Uni. Nis and Uni. NS) Horizontal mobility between University of Belgrade and University of Nis. signing a bilateral agreement that would be based on the coherent and complementary learning outcomes; (Learning outcomes should therefore be taken in consideration when designing curricula – this would make mobility and transfer of credits and grades much easier. Special emphasis should be made on the organization of the field work.).
Vertical mobility (Uni. BG, Uni. Nis, and Uni. NS) Student mobility at the MA level is closely related to the “admission requirements” defined by the faculties; mobility could be limited by the fact that student had graduated from the faculty different from those he wish to continue his studies. Two possible solutions (could be applied to the MA studies of Social Pedagogy, Sociology in Social Welfare and Social Policy): Introduction of the entrance exam Defining the list of additional courses for students with different background (Social sciences and humanities), that should be passed before enrolling to the MA studies (applied at the Faculty of Law – University of Belgrade).
The MSW program focuses on consideration of complexity in practice in order to enable students to engage in practice from a critical perspective. It is an integrated programme of academic and professional learning targeted exclusively at graduates that hold a BA in Social Policy and Social Work.