By: Miss Michelle M. Brand Pine Grove Area Elementary School PSCA President-Elect.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Miss Michelle M. Brand Pine Grove Area Elementary School PSCA President-Elect

 Promotes academic, career, and personal/social development  Works from a formal curriculum that focuses on student competencies grouped by developmental domains and specified by grade level pre k – 12  Supports the academic mission and strategic plan of the school  Is data drive and accountable  Is delivered to all students  Be advocates and leaders of systemic change

◦ A framework for school counselors to meet within PA Chapters 12 and 330.  Chapter 12 – requires that each school entity prepare a written student services plan, including a school counseling component, based on the needs of its students and consistent with the district’s strategic plan requirements.  Chapter 339 – mandates a comprehensive and integrated Pre K -12 guidance plan.

 SAS assist with: ◦ Programs that assist in identifying and removing barriers to student success ◦ Provisions of strategies and supports for teachers to address learning and behavioral challenges in the classroom ◦ Provide programs and services that enable students to develop essential attitudes, knowledge and skills for student achievement and successful post-secondary transition to adulthood

◦ Programs and services that assist students with education and career planning and decision making ◦ Student learning benchmarks and school counselor performance standard that guide the preparation and professional development of counselors, including a model for field placements and practice

 The PA Standards Aligned Systems (SAS) is a collaborative product of research and good practice that indentifies six distinct elements which if utilized together will provide schools and districts a common framework for continuous school and district enhancement and improvement.

Clear & Consistent Boundaries High Expectations Meaningful Student Engagement Connectiveness & Bonding Skills for Life Unconditional Support Strong Results for Students

Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania8 Clear Standards Fair Assessments Curriculum Framework Instruction Materials & Resources Interventions Student Achievement

Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania9 Clear Standards Clear, high standards that establish what all students should know and be able to do. Revised Standards for grades 3, 5, 8 and 11 have been approved by the State Board of Education. Standard statements for grades 4, 6, 7 and courses are proceeding through the approval process. Standards statements for K-3 have been articulated and are also under review. Clear Standards Fair Assessments Instruction Materials & Resources Interventions Student Achievement Curriculum Framework

 Students who are College and Career Ready in Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, and Language. ◦ 1. They demonstrate independence. ◦ 2. They build strong content knowledge. ◦ 3. They respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline. ◦ 4. They comprehend as well as critique. ◦ 5. They value evidence. ◦ 6. They use technology and digital media strategically and capably. ◦ 7. They com to understand other perspectives and cultures.

Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania11 Fair Assessment is a process used by teachers and students before, during, and after instruction to provide feedback and adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve student achievement. Types of Assessment : Summative Formative Benchmark Diagnostic Clear Standards Fair Assessments Instruction Materials & Resources Interventions Student Achievement Curriculum Framework

Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania12 The Curriculum Framework specifies what is to be taught for each subject in the curriculum. In Pennsylvania, Curriculum Frameworks include: Big Ideas Concepts Competencies Essential Questions The Curriculum Framework is aligned to Standards and, where appropriate, Eligible Content. Clear Standards Curriculum Framework Instruction Materials & Resources Interventions Student Achievement Fair Assessments

Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania13 Aligned instruction comprises the following activities: Teaching topics that are aligned with the standards. Ensuring the right level of challenge. Focusing teaching based on the learning needs of each student. Implementing instructional strategies to increase student achievement. Student Achievement Clear Standards Instruction Materials & Resources Interventions Fair Assessments Curriculum Framework

Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania14 Student Achievement Clear Standards Materials & Resources Instruction Interventions Fair Assessments Curriculum Framework Materials and resources include: Voluntary Model Curriculum (VMC), incorporating learning progressions, Units and lesson plans Content resources aligned to the Pennsylvania Academic Standards

Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania15 Student Achievement Clear Standards Materials & Resources Instruction Interventions Fair Assessments Curriculum Framework Learning progressions illustrate how students grow academically and articulate what they are learning at each grade level. They can be defined as roads or pathways that students travel as they progress toward mastery of the skills needed for career and college readiness. Each road follows a route composed of a collection of building blocks that are defined by the content standards for a subject.

Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania16 The information provided in this section will be used to manage your SAS account: Manage Personal Information Identify professional interests Change a password The picture you upload will also be used in the SAS Learning Communities to illustrate membership.

Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania17  A web-based, portable filing cabinet  Create organizational folders  Add resources Add to My ePortfolio Upload File Add Bookmark

Presenter Information Michelle M. Brand Pine Grove Area Elementary School 107 School Street Pine Grove, PA (570) ext 447