CHAPTER 1 & 2 – MICROSOFT WORD Sravanthi Lakkimsetty April 11, 2016
REMINDER The MyITLab Lesson C is due on Friday, April 15.
MICROSOFT WORD Microsoft Word 2013 is a word processing software that is used to create reports, letters, research papers, newsletters, brochures and all sorts of documents. With an emphasis on saving documents, word enables you to share these documents with others or access them from any device.
CREATING A FILE & BASIC FEATURES To begin a blank document, click blank document Basic Features: 1.Ribbon – enables you to create, modify and enhance documents 2.Title bar – indicates the name of the current document and control buttons 3.Quick Access Toolbar 4.Status bar 5.View Buttons 6.Horizontal and Vertical scroll bars
TEMPLATES Word provides a library of templates to select a predesigned document This can be modified to suit your needs.
WORD WRAP This features automatically pushes words to the next line when you reach the end of the margin. It involves mainly two features: -Hard return – created when you manually hit Enter. -Soft return – created when by Word as it wraps text from one line to other. Soft Returns are not considered characters and cannot be deleted. But, hard return is actually a non printing character called a Paragraph Mark that can be deleted..
DISPLAYING NON PRINTING CHARACTERS To display non printing characters in your word such as paragraph marks and tabs: -Click on ‘Show/Hide’
INSERTING TEXT There is always a provision to reuse text from a previously created document. Content from a power point, Excel, PDF Word etc. can be inserted/imported into your current document using the steps below: -Click on Insert tab -From the text group, click on the arrow beside ‘Object’ option. -Click ‘Text from file’ to import text from other sources.
REVIEW WORD USAGE To review your document for spelling, grammatical and word usage errors: -Click the Review Tab -Click ‘Spelling & Grammar’ in the proofing group
QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR The Quick Access Toolbar enables you to undo a recent command, redo command etc. To customize this list of options -Click Customize Quick Access Toolbar -Select from menu of options (or click More Commands for even more choices)
CUSTOMIZE RIBBON Ribbon can also be customized to add and remove Tabs as well as rename them. -Click File tab -Click options -Select ‘Customize Ribbon’
HEADERS AND FOOTERS A HEADER consists of one or more lines at the top of each page. Can be used to display an Organization name, class name etc. A FOOTER displays at the bottom of each page. Can be used to display page number etc.
INSERT HEADER & FOOTER To insert a header or Footer -Click the Insert Tab -Select ‘Header(or Footer)’ in the ‘ Header & Footer’ group. There are many Predefined headers or footer styles available in the gallery to be selected from.
SYMBOLS A symbol is a text, graphic or a foreign language character that can be inserted into a document. Since most symbols are not located on the Keyboard, Word has a collection of Symbols. To view and Select a symbol: -Click ‘Insert’ tab -Click Symbol
ADJUST MARGINS A margin is the area of blank space that displays to the left, right, top and bottom of a document between the text and the edge of the page. By default – a 1” margin is provided for the document. To change the margins: -Click ‘Page Layout’ and click Margins option in the Page Setup group. -OR Click ‘File’ tab and click Print. Click ‘Normal Margins’ to change one or more margins.
PAGE ORIENTATIONS The Orientation of the Document could be changed between ‘Portrait’ and ‘Landscape’. Click ‘Page Layout’ tab and Select ‘Orientation’ to change accordingly.
PAGE BREAKS Sometimes it so happens that the page ends poorly. To manage the page flow, a page break could be forced where it does not normally occur. To insert a page break: -Click Ctrl + Enter OR -Click Page Layout Tab and click ‘Breaks’ and then select PAGE.
PAGE BREAKS When non printing characters are shown in the document, then Page Breaks are also shown.
FONT SETTINGS You can format text in the document by changing different Font settings like the Font Type, Font color, Font size etc. using the Font Options in ‘Home’ tab.
Some more Font options…
PARAGRAPH FORMATTING Formatting selected text is only one way to alter the appearance of a document. The text can be altered to change the alignment, indentation, tab stops, including line spaces for any paragraph etc.
PARAGRAPH ALIGNMENT, SPACING & INDENTS To change the alignment, select the text and select the alignment from the Paragraph group on the Home Tab. Paragraph spacing is the amount of space between paragraphs measured in points. This can be changed by either of the following ways: -Click ‘Line and Paragraph’ in the Paragraph group on the HOME tab. -Click the ‘Paragraph Dialog box’ in the paragraph group on the home tab.
An Indent is a setting associated with how much part of a paragraph is distanced from one or more margins. Types of Indents: Left Indent Right Indent Special Indents: First Line Indent, Hanging Indent These can be set using Paragraph Dialog box in the Page Layout Tab or can be set directly using the Ruler.
RULER SETTINGS If the Ruler does not show up at the top of the document, then Click the ‘View’ Tab and select ‘Ruler’