Making an Excellent School More Excellent: Weston High School’s 21st Century Learning Expectations and Goals
How did we determine these four goals? Goals were derived from the remaining work required for the NEASC self-study using: – Surveys – Standards Committee Work – Critical Strengths & Needs
Goal 1: Implement School Wide Rubrics (formative assessment) Piloted school wide rubrics in three areas: creativity, speech, and writing ( ) and conducted survey of teachers who piloted rubrics in June Summer workshop assessing survey results and plan school wide implementation in fall Propose two new rubrics to be piloted
Goal 2: Draft a Preliminary Plan to Create Student Advisories (personalization) Summer workshop in 2011 involving teachers, parents, administrators and staff. Design faculty and student surveys. Conduct site visits. Designed preliminary plan regarding structure, purpose, and roll-out.
Goal 3 : Complete Preparations for NEASC Accreditation Visit October 16-19, 2011 Complete high school self study report. Summer workshop to organize reception and student panel on first evening of accreditation visit. Plan each day’s itinerary including interviews with superintendent, school committee members, teachers, and schedule classroom visits. Prioritize needs improvement items and assign tasks to relevant school team.
Goal 4: Promote 21 st Century Learning Expectations Continue to create opportunities inside and outside of the classroom for students, teachers, and members of the wider community to collaborate with each other around 21 st century learning expectations.
Critical Strengths The clear identification of the core values that already underpin school endeavors and will guide future decisions. Responsiveness of Administration, Faculty & Staff in creating opportunities and meeting the needs/desires of students. Authentic learning opportunities incorporated into every course through activities and field trips and a handful of classes emphasizing experiential learning projects, such as the senior internship. Regular teacher meetings to discuss curriculum and instructional strategies. Regular means of support for any student who is not finding success. Ongoing review of grading and reporting practices so that they align with the schools core values. Collaboration between the Faculty & Principal to achieve school goals. Timely, coordinated, and directive intervention strategies for all students. Prompt identification of, response to, and funding of essential staffing needs.
Critical Needs Consistent and continued support for teacher training and professional development in creating curricula and pedagogical methods to support core values and 21 st century learning expectations. * Increased time and resources for collaborative work among faculty members within and across disciplines in order to revise and improve curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices to support core values and 21 st century learning expectations. More time and resources to increase collaboration within and between departments to assess 21 st century learning expectations via school-wide rubrics. * Additional training in order to use all technology effectively. A formal process to identify patterns of inequity in student achievement. * A formal, on-going program for which each student has an adult in the school in addition to a school counselor, who knows the student well, and assists the student in achieving the school’s 21 st century learning expectations. * A department head to coordinate, oversee, and advocate for the special education department. Continued funding for the TEC program that provides resources and assistance to regular education students in meeting 21 st century learning expectations. Increased staffing in the following areas: technology support, nursing & guidance.
How Are Our Core Values Reflected in 21 st Century Learning Expectations? Learning Expectation #1: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Creativity Learning Expectation #2: Initiative, Resiliency, and Personal Responsibility Learning Expectation #3: Collaboration, Leadership, and Community Engagement Learning Expectation #4: Effective Oral and Written Communication Learning Expectation #5: Global Awareness Learning Expectation #6: Effective and Appropriate Use of Media and Technology
Learning Expectation #1: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Creativity Makes complex choices/interpretations/ evaluations by using analysis, reasoning, questioning and/or reflective thinking. ( GenerationUS ) GenerationUS Incorporates original, creative ideas and thinks beyond what is obvious when analyzing or solving complex concepts and problems. ( Creativity Rubric ) Creativity Rubric
Learning Expectation #2: Initiative, Resiliency, and Personal Responsibility Manages time and workload. Takes personal responsibility for one’s education, knowing one's own interests but also being open to new ideas and information. Accepts challenges, asks questions, tries new approaches, risks failing, shows resiliency. Julia Gilberto’s H. Government Project on Inclusion
Learning Expectation #3: Collaboration, Leadership, and Community Engagement Works effectively with a group by keeping an open mind, listening, delegating and/or taking personal responsibility. Collaboratively pursues academic, athletic, and artistic passions. Builds consensus through group cooperation, sharing of ideas and opinions and acceptance of differences and strengths. Demonstrates leadership skills by modeling positive behaviors. Talking about Race
Learning Expectation #4: Effective Oral and Written Communication Is clear, concise, and complete in all forms of communication. Demonstrates awareness that style, tone and presentation all convey meaning. Engages a variety of audiences. Lauren Avery Speech Speech Rubric & Writing Rubric
Learning Expectation #5: Global Awareness Sees oneself within a global context by multiple means, including identifying how and why individual actions may have an impact on a community, country, other nations, and the planet. Studying one or more languages. Connecting classroom material to a global context. Considering ideas that are different from one’s own. Making meaningful connections with others. Balancing common and individual goals.
Learning Expectation #6: Effective and Appropriate Use of Media and Technology Uses technology while maintaining academic integrity. Assesses the reliability and accuracy of sources. Uses technology to foster collaborative learning. (Glogster)Glogster Uses a variety of technological resources to advance learning. (Ipad Pilot Project)(Ipad Pilot Project)