Testing & Measurement
Criterion-Referenced Tests. Pre-tests Post-tests Norm-Referenced Tests.
Testing & Measurement Diagnose student strengths and weaknesses. Monitor each student’s progress. Assign grades. Determine the teacher’s own instructional effectiveness. Provide information to inform instructional and curricular decisions. Help teachers clarify their instructional intentions.
Testing & Measurement Formative Testing/Assessment for Learning. After each module - to ascertain whether each objective has been met. After each topic - to gauge if each student has grasped the concept taught. After each module - to determine if we have to modify our methods or strategies used to get information across. Summative Testing/Assessment of Learning. At the end of the teaching of the syllabus. To assign a mark or grade?
09/04/14 Testing & Measurement QQuestions are constructed based of the educational objectives you want to test. UUse of Bloom’s Taxonomy. CCreation of a Table of Specifications. EEvery item should be accounted for in the table. SShould be a guideline to the development of your marking scheme.
A Table of Specifications is a two-way chart which describes the topics to be covered by a test and the number of items or points which will be associated with each topic. The Table of Specifications identifies the achievement domains being measured and ensures that a fair and representative sample of questions appear on the test.
A Table of Specifications allows the teacher to construct a test which focuses on the key areas and weights those different areas based on their importance. A Table of Specifications provides the teacher with evidence that a test has content validity, that it covers what should be covered.
Table is usually guided by objectives and topics taught and covered during the term or year. Bloom’s Taxonomy also guides the construction of the table but other profiles can be used as necessary. All areas of the taxonomy can be used or areas can be combined as seen fit.
Knowledge – remembering facts, terms, definitions and concepts. Comprehension – understanding the meaning of material. Explain, interpret, summarize, give examples, predict, translate. Application – selecting a concept or skill and using it to solve a problem. Compute, solve, apply, modify, construct.
Analysis – breaking down material into its parts and explaining the ordered relations. Synthesis – producing something new from material that was broken down into its component parts. Evaluation – making a judgement based on a set criteria.
There are verbs associated with the taxonomy which can be used to structure questions under each cognitive level. Weighting increases depending on where in the taxonomy the question falls.
Objectives/ concepts which account for most of the teaching usually carry highest weight. List topics covered assigning them a percentage according to time spent on the topic. Percentage should work back to 100%. Determine how many questions will comprise the test/ exam.
Now we will have a practical exercise in constructing a table of specification. For the purpose of this exercise you will be teaching twenty-five lessons during the term and there will be four topics which will be taught. You can work individually or in groups of no more than four.
Divide your twenty-five lessons among the four topics which will be taught. You should know which one will have the most teaching time and which will have the least. Next calculate the percentage for each topic in terms of lessons to be taught.
You will determine how many items you wish to have on your examination paper. Once you have done that you will now work out how many items there must be for each topic. That is done by finding the percentage, which you calculated previously, of the total number of items which will constitute your paper for each topic.
Some proponents stipulate that Knowledge & Comprehension account for 30 to 40% of the items. Application and Analysis account for between 25 and 30 percent. Synthesis and Evaluation can be between 30 and 40 %.
Using 40% for Knowledge & Comprehension, 25% for Application & Analysis and 35% for Synthesis & Evaluation, calculate the number of items to fall under the sections. If decimals occur take to the nearest whole number under Application & Analysis.
Now you are ready to fill in your table with the information you have gathered. Be mindful you are just putting numbers in the spaces. You must ensure that your cognitive levels are covered and the number of your items are not exceeded. You may need to re-arrange in order to get the correct configuration but both columns should work back to the same.
If you have checked and all your columns have tallied, congrats you have completed your table of specifications.
Subject ContentKno.Comp.App.Ana.Syn. Eval.Total The Road To Independence National Symbols Nation Builders Our Nation Total (40%)13 (25%)17 (35%)
Subject ContentKnowledge & Comprehension ApplicationAnalysis, Synthesis & Evaluation Total