Anterior – adjective – prior Anteroom – noun – room before another room Antecedent – noun – something that came before
The tensions anterior to the falling of the Berlin Wall represented three decades of the Cold War.
Fathers used to have to wait in the anteroom for news of the births of their children.
The antecedent of the pronoun must be clear to avoid confusion. Jason lost her book. Whose book? Some girl’s? Jason is a girl? We brought his cake to the dinner? Someone else’s cake? Who is he? Did the group (we) just melt into one person?
Embellish – to adorn in excess Embezzle – to take in wrongly as in money Emulate – participating in the feelings of another
Channing is a gifted baker. Not only do her cakes taste amazing, but she embellishes them with artistic touches.
The banker thought he was clever until he was convicted of embezzling $100,000 and sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Ellen’s friends thought her desire to emulate animals was bizarre. When she started coughing up hairballs, they suggested therapy.
Anagram – words, phrases, or sentences formed by rearranging letters. Epigram – short statement that makes an observation of life. Ideogram – a writing symbol.
The Titanic disaster = Death, it starts in ice Tom Cruise = So I'm Cuter Jennifer Aniston = fine in torn jeans Dormitory = Dirty Room Statue of Liberty = Built to Stay Free
Coach Keese’s favorite epigram was: “Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking.”
Writing Japanese characters is not just creating ideograms, it is art.
Saturate – verb – to soak thoroughly or completely Satiate – verb – to satisfy completely Insatiable – adjective – not capable of being satisfied
It took a lot of water to clean up the muddy puppy, and she was quite displeased about being saturated.
Christina finally satiated her insatiable longing for shoes.
A teenage boy’s appetite is insatiable. They are always hungry. A bibliophile has an insatiable desire for books.
Magnitude – noun – of serious importance Magnanimous – adjective – greatly generous in the treatment of others Magnificent – adjective – great or majestic in appearance, quality, or action
The magnitude of the situation became clear when we learned the asteroid would definitely be hitting Earth.
When the homeless woman gave her coat to the freezing man, her gesture was magnanimous. She had no other, but gave to someone she felt had a greater need.
The rainbow arching into the Grand Canyon was a magnificent sight, and one we will never forget.
Write a paragraph using at least five of the words. Underline your vocabulary word twice and context clues once. Be careful to punctuate your sentences carefully!