The Charter School Sixth Form The post 16 experience
OUR SUCCESSES – % of all A Level grades achieved were A* - B 29% of all grades were A*/ A 95% of BTEC grades achieved were Distinction*/Distinction More than 92% of all year 13s achieved a place at their chosen university or college; including Oxford, Warwick, Bath, Edinburgh, Durham
POST 16 TEAM Year 12 Tutors 12C – Ms Hopwood/Ms Readings 12H – Mr Smith 12A – Mr Murray 12R – Ms Chalcraft 12T – Mr Somerville 12E – Mr Graignic 12S – Mr Soanes 12B – Dr Osborne Ms Nejo – Director of Learning: Post 16 Mr Reid – Head of Year 12 Ms Lucas – Post 16 Progress Leader Ms Hallinan - Sixth Form Administrator Ms Stockbridge – Head of External Affairs
HOW DOES IT WORK? High Expectations + Effective Support
EXPECTATIONS Sixth form students commit themselves to: Treating post-16 study as a lifestyle – you need to study outside of your lessons. Their working day should be like a job. The more you put in the more you get out. 100% attendance and punctuality - authorising absence – Swipe cards must be carried at all times. Your child needs to use their increased freedoms responsibly.
SUPPORT Teachers commit themselves to: Planning outstanding lessons. Providing many opportunities for assessment which will be communicated via the Module Report. Catch-up classes after school for students falling behind or below target. Informing parents of any problems via the ‘stage’ system. Year 12 Achievement Evening – Thurs19 th November. Practice exams – the week commencing 11 th January.
SETTING THE STANDARDS The first five weeks of this term will shape what happens in the next two years. There is limited flexibility to change course and only after discussion with subject teachers and agreed by the Director of Learning.
RELENTLESS Qualifications are a relentless examination of your child’s abilities, academically, mentally and emotionally. Your child needs your support! Minimum progression to Year 13 requires 2 D grades (A-Level subjects) or 2 Merits (BTEC subjects)
REPORTING and COMMUNICATING As in The Charter School: 5 modular reports through the year Progress against target grades Charter Standard – Traffic light system Other forms of communication: Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Text messaging Letter Phone calls Evening events
WHAT IF IT GOES WRONG? Attendance texts Stage system Parental Contact Meetings Expectations Contract Failing to succeed at Stage 3 might mean you are asked to leave that course or the Sixth Form
THE WORLD BEYOND SCHOOL 2009 – the Credit Crunch changed the rules ‘Employability’ is the key word There is an equation: E = Q + WE + S x C E = Employability Q = Qualifications WE = Work Experience S = Skills C = Contacts
CAREER Award (CAREER – Charter College Ambition to Reality Employability and Enrichment Reward)
Destinations Week Mock interviews CV writing skills Presentation training Financial Awareness Celebration event
WHAT CAN WE OFFER? Mentors (subject or skill-based) More than 100 from a range of professions – King’s College Hospital, PWC, KWM, IPC Media and more
CAREERS FAIR In November - with over 40 guests
VOLUNTEERING We have links with organisations such as: Dulwich Picture Gallery Dulwich Helpline Free the Children King’s College London PDSA Village Books Whippersnappers Local primary schools
ASSEMBLIES AND LECTURES Jo Brand – comedian Fiona Millar – journalist Baroness Helena Kennedy – Human Rights Lawyer Maggie Aderin-Pocock – space scientist Fiona Day – Producer Radio 2 Julie Bentley – Chief Executive of the Girl Guides Margaret Evison – Mark Evison Foundation Christine Ohuruogu – World Champion 400 metres Joanna Abeyie, Print & Broadcast Journalist Natalie Foster, Barrister Sheila Nortley, Producer & Writer Tracey Herald, Head of Community, 02 Telefonica Sefa Nyki, Broadcaster & Presenter, Bang Radio Terry Ryall, CEO of Vinspired Keysha Davis, Editor Black Hair Magazine Naomi Deru, Fashion designer
EXPLORING THE WORLD New York Romania Iceland Ghana
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO NOW? Talk to your child about the subjects they are taking – if you have any concerns contact Ms Nejo directly. Check your child is using their planner and how they are using their working hours. Are they organised? Do they have folders and highlighters? Has your child got involved in the extra curricular opportunities? Students should reinvent themselves as a learner and as part of the school and wider community. Keep in the know: make sure we always have your up to date contact details. Success snippets, newsletters, follow us on twitter….. NEXT EVENT – YEAR 12 ACHIEVEMENT EVENING ON THURSDAY 19th NOVEMBER FROM 4 – 7PM
ANY QUESTIONS ????? Please see Ms Nejo or any member of the Sixth Form team