TH36 Closing Options Study Presented by: Market Research March, 2006 Maps from Google
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Agenda About the study Results Key Findings Reaction to the scenarios Stated Preference--Letting them choose By respondent type Thoughts
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Background and Methods Planning construction on TH36 2 scenarios, each with pros and cons Wanted public input to the selection process Methods Telephone interviews by Cook Research February 2006
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Who Local Residents n = 400 Through Commuters n = 400 I694/35E Users n = 200 Local businesses n = 74
Key Findings
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Key Findings Residents In favor of construction Likely to be moderately supportive of either If asked, more likely to pick 5 month closure Through commuters In favor of construction Likely to be moderately supportive of either Slightly more favorable to 2 year off peak delays If asked, split 50-50
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Key Findings I694/35E Users In favor of construction Slightly more favorable reaction to 2-year non-peak delays If asked, split Businesses In favor of construction—but less so than other groups More favorable to 2-year non-peak delays More likely to react negatively to 5-month closure If asked, prefer 2-year non-peak delays
Current Feelings
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Current Satisfaction Levels Q2: Using a scale from 1 to 4 where 1 means very dissatisfied, 2 means somewhat dissatisfied, 3 means somewhat satisfied, and 4 means very satisfied, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you overall with [your current trip on] highway 36 between White Bear Av and Century Avenues?
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Inconvenience of TH36 Q3. Using a 5-point scale this time…how inconvenient is travel on Highway 36 in both directions between Century Avenue and White Bear Avenue? Thinking about the roadway itself and traffic, what number would you give it?
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified I694-35E Satisfaction & Inconvenience Q2: Using a scale from 1 to 4…how satisfied or dissatisfied are you overall with the I-694/35-E commons area? Q3: Using a 5-point scale…how inconvenient is travel on the I-694/35-E commons area?
The Idea of Construction
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Interest in Project Overall Q4. Mn/DOT is considering reconstruction of Hwy 36 from Century Av to White Bear Av. [See questionnaire for full description.] Based on this description alone, how do you feel about this project?
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Reasons for Reactions
Reaction to Scenarios
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Scenario 1 Highway 36 from Century Avenue to White Bear Avenue would be completely closed for a 5 month period in 2007 within April and September. It would then be open to one lane in either direction from September to November 2007, when it would again be opened to two lanes each direction. McKnight Road would also be one lane in either direction from April to September of Margaret Street would be closed and a vehicle bridge completed in A pedestrian bridge will be built near First Street and is expected to be completed in the fall of Project cost for this construction scenario is 15% lower than the other scenario.
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Scenario 2 In this scenario, Highway 36 from Century Avenue to White Bear Avenue would remain open to traffic with constant lane closures and delays during non-peak hours for 2007 and 8. McKnight Road would be one lane in either direction from April, 2007 through November, 2007, and Margaret Street would be closed, with the vehicle bridge completed in the second year. The pedestrian bridge near First Street is expected to be completed in the second year as well. The McKnight signal would remain until July, 2008 when it will be removed. Project cost for this construction scenario is 15% higher than the other scenario.
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Reaction to Scenarios S1: 2 year project with 5 month TH36 closure S2: 2 year off peak delays
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Reaction to Scenarios (cont’d) S1: 2 year project with 5 month TH36 closure S2: 2 year off peak delays
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Comparisons Current Satisfaction/ Reaction Inconvenience Pos. Neg. Extremely Not at all See questionnaire for question wording. Residents Commuters 694/35E Users
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Comparisons—continued Current Satisfaction/ Reaction Inconvenience Pos. Neg. VeryNot too See questionnaire for question wording. Residents Commuters 694/35E Users
Stated Preference
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Stated Preference Q10: Given that the construction will last two years either way, which of the scenarios we’ve discussed would you prefer? Close it down and divert highway 36 traffic for 5 months, or constant non peak delays on 36 for two years?
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Reasons for Stated Preference 11. Why do you say that? 5 Month Closure
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Reasons for Stated Preference 11. Why do you say that? 2 Year Off Peak Delays
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Usefulness of Communications Tools Q12: How useful would each of the following communications from Mn/DOT be to you, prior to and during the reconstruction of Hwy 36? Would each be…? Percent Very or Somewhat Useful
TH36 Closing Options Study 2006 Base = 400 residents, 400 through commuters, /35E users, 74 businesses unless otherwise specified Thoughts There doesn’t seem to be clear direction either way, for residents, through commuters, or I E users Could argue either way However, businesses clearly favor the 2-year delay option This is not disfavored by the other groups Biggest bang for the buck Media with most universal appeal Use other media to target specific groups
TH36 Closing Options Study Presented by: Market Research March, 2006 Maps from Google