Napoleon Bonaparte 26 yr old General Strong leader that would end the chaos Maintained appearances of a republic but became a dictator
Napoleon crowned Emperor for life. The picture is of Napoleon crowning his wife Empress
Completing the Revolution 1804 France becomes an empire Napoleonic Code--Well organized set of laws that is still the basis of the legal system in France Guaranteed religious freedom Granted all adult males the right to vote Limited freedom of speech Women couldn’t vote or own property
Napoleon Vs. Britain Britain has a strong Navy Napoleon has a strong Army Neither can defeat the other for this reason Napoleon creates the Continental system Continental Europe will not trade with Britain Britain answers by blockading France and her Allies.
Napoleon’s Defeat French Grand Army--700,000 men, largest army ever in Europe to fight in Russia Winter and lack of supplies causes defeat in Russia Napoleon returns with only 100,000 men
Napoleon’s Defeat Waterloo--Belgian village where Napoleon’s army was defeated by a combined British,Prussian, and Austrian army
Napoleon:Tyrant or Hero Created an empire by conquering neighboring countries Put friends and relatives on thrones in Europe Continental system caused massive inflation Napoleonic Wars 10yrs Lost 600,000 soldiers in Russian Winter campaign Built roads, canals, and encouraged industry Public Schools Religious Freedom Napoleonic Code Spread Revolutionary ideas throughout Europe and the World
Rise and Fall of Napoleon(political satire) Explain the satirical cartoon illustrated above