Monday ….. HOMEWORK: Read “Napoleon’s Empire Collapses” p (online book on Mrs. Riede’s webpage)or go to to access your online book. Take notes & be prepared for a quiz. Use the red and green headings to organize your notes!! Define bold and highlighted words. REMEMBER! – Homework notes = 5 pts each on daily open note quiz. NO homework notes = 10 pts each on daily quiz. YOUR choice!
Modern World History Chapter 7; Section 3 Napoleon Rises to Power
Why is it important to learn about “Napoleon Forges an Empire”? In times of political turmoil, military dictators often seize control of nations.
Napoleon Seizes Power -Napoleon was born in 1769 on Corsica -Sent to military school at age 9
-Finished school at the age of 16 and joined the military
Hero of the hour -In October 1795, the young Napoleon defended the delegates of the national convention from the royalists
-Then in 1796, now a general, he took the French Army into the Alps and won a series of stunning victories
-He then went to Egypt and lost
Coup d’etat (a sudden attempt by a small group of people to take over the government usually through violence) -By 1799 the Directory had lost control, Napoleon’s friends told him to seize power
-A group of three consuls was established, and he was one of the three
The Consulate France accepted his dictatorship Wanted stability; others were afraid Respected the ideals of the Revolution Allowed freedom of opportunity
-Napoleon named himself the dictator
-France was still at war -Britain, Austria and Russia all joined forces…. To beat Napoleon
Napoleon Rules France -Napoleon at first pretended to be constitutionally in charge
-plebiscite (vote of the people) was held and he won
-Restoring order at home -In general, Napoleon supported the goals of the revolution -Napoleon set up an efficient tax collection system and national bank -dismissed corrupt officials
-set up Lycees or Gov’t Run public schools
-He also signed the concordat (an agreement or treaty, especially one between the Vatican and a secular government relating to matters of mutual interest.), an agreement between France and the Pope
-Also wrote a system of laws called the Napoleonic code order and authority over individual rights
-restored slavery, limited freedom of expression
-Napoleon Crowned as Emperor -In 1804 Napoleon decided he was ready to be an emperor
-The people even voted for it and the Pope crowned him
-He took the crown from the pope and put it on his own head
Napoleon Creates an Empire -Napoleon wanted to control all of Europe and the Americas
Loss of American Territories -In 1789, revolutionary ideas reached St. Domingue, they wanted rights too
-A civil war broke out and the French get destroyed by disease
-After that fight, Napoleon decided to cut France’s losses and sold the Louisiana territory to America for 15 million dollars
Conquering Europe -He had already taken Austrian Netherlands, parts of Italy and Switzerland
-The British freaked out and got Austria, Russia and Sweden to fight the French -Napoleon at first totally crushed the opposition
-France pretty much controlled Germany, Italy and a huge chunk of Poland
The battle of Trafalgar -This was the only major battle that Napoleon lost
The French Empire -Many of Napoleons own family were in control of puppet governments in Europe
Puppet Government a government that is appointed by and whose affairs are directed by an outside authority that may impose hardships on those governed
SECTION 4 The Napoléonic Era Puppet Rulers Joseph-Napoléon Bonaparte, King of Naples and Sicily, King of Spain Jérôme –Napoléon Bonaparte, King of Westphalia Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, King of Holland Elisa Bonaparte, Grand Duchess of Tuscany
-Huge and unstable empire, it only lasts for 5 years -Falls apart because of Napoleon’s actions