Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Regional Innovation Strategies International workshop 19 November 2004 Zoya Damianova Senior Adviser, ARC Fund
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Regional Innovation Strategies Regional Technology Plans – 7 EU regions in , European Regional Development Fund RITTS/RIS – more than 100 EU regions with the support of FP4 and ERDF RIS in NACs – in 2001 with the support of FP5, Innovation and SMEs programme Second generation of RIS in the New Member States and the candidate countries – launch in 2005 with the support of FP6
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Regional Innovation Strategies Mission – to improve the capacity of the regional institutions to formulate innovation policy responding to the needs of the business community, with a focus on SMEs, as well as to promote the cooperation among RTOs, the regional administration and the business in order to increase the innovative potential of the region. Bottom-up approach, innovation audit of the region, regional consensus is the key to success
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries RIS for the South Central Planning Region of Bulgaria 2001 – 2004, with the support of DG Enterprise, “Innovation and SMEs” programme of FP5 Consortium – Applied Research and Communications Fund, Commission for Economic and Social Cohesion of the South Central Region, MRDW, tti Magdeburg GmbH and the University of Thessaly Pilot initiative for Bulgaria More than 120 regional experts worked on the project Supported by the district authorities in the region Innovation audit of the region – regional studies on demand and supply of innovation, regional intermediaries RIS and the First Regional Innovation Plan
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Study and analysis of regional innovation supply Objective – to map the regional RTOs as suppliers of innovation and the availability of their expertise to enterprises with the aim to analyse the correspondence to the needs of the regional industrial businesses, to identify existing links between innovation suppliers and users – partnerships and information channels, to identify barriers to innovation in RTOs, and to promote international RTD colloboration.
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Study and analysis of regional innovation supply The methodology encompassed: Questionnaire-based survey of 49 R&D organisations. Processing of the data with SPSS Analysis and interpretation of the data. SWOT analysis. The study and analysis of RTOs aided the elaboration of the Regional Innovation Strategy and the First Regional Innovation Plan.
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Study and analysis of regional innovation supply – conclusions: Significant research potential combined with the high qualifications of researchers The research departments/institutes and universities in the region are specialised in sectors of primary importance to the development of regional priority sectors (agriculture, food and drinks industry, etc.) and have potential to become centres of excellence at national level There are examples of market orientation of university curricula and development of entrepreneurial culture and skills There are examples of cooperation between regional companies and the universities in the region in the field of staff qualification and training.
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Study and analysis of regional innovation supply – conclusions: The innovation activity of researchers is limited to the development stage Insufficient expenditures on innovation activity Low expenditures on staff training in the RTOs and lack of investments in research infrastructure Low level of commercialisation of research results; inadequate knowledge about the mechanisms of market commercialisation of RTD results (for instance, underestimation of the role of marketing) Small number of research results with IPR Underdeveloped cooperation between universities and RTOs in the process of development of innovation products Inadequate partnership with industry in the development of innovation products; Strong dependence on the state budget for financing innovation activities and inadequate mobilisation of other national and local funding sources Old research infrastructure (incl.laboratories)
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries RIS for the South Central Region of Bulgaria – Strategic Priorities Improving the competitiveness of regional SMEs through innovation Enhancing the innovation culture in the South Central Planning Region. Further development and optimisation of the operation of Regional Innovation System. The findings of the regional studies and analyses have been addressed in the regional innovation strategy.
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries 3.1. Operating Objective: Strengthen and optimise the research potential of the South Central Region Proposed tasks: Improve the financial status of the research organisations through private and public funding Improve the qualification of researchers, upgrade the organisational structure Improve the structure of research activity Participate in national and international networks and EU programmes
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Improve the financial status of the research organisations through private and public funding – concrete actions Review the funding sources for innovation in the region and the opportunities for co-financing major innovation projects through public-private partnerships. Increase own funds through commercialisation of R&D results and identification of new niches to provide services to the companies. Improve the qualification of researchers, upgrade the organisational structure – concrete actions Setting up technology-transfer offices in the districts of the South Central Planning Region, which will as well offer training programmes for mastering knowledge and skills related to innovation together with practical implementation of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects. Participation in international training programmes covering also project management and development of proposals for research and technology development. Support to language learning and training for application of modern ICT.
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Improve the structure of research activity – concrete actions Directing research work at RTOs and universities towards practical applications to solve specific problems. Organising an annual contest for research products that have been developed by the regional RTOs and have been successfully applied by the industry. Participate in national and international networks and EU programmes - concrete actions Strengthening the role of research networks as the main tool to enhance the national and international integration of the research potential of the South Central Region of Bulgaria.
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries 3.3. Operating objective - Develop and reinforce research/business collaboration in the South Central Region Proposed tasks: - Access of businesses to new information, new analytical instruments, establishing transfer offices - Identify and respond to the needs for qualified personnel - Enhance the mobility of highly skilled professionals between the research and business - Promote the use of high technologies in traditional sectors - Establish spin-off companies and develop doctorship opportunities jointly with the business - Enhance the participation in technology clusters
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Enhance the mobility of highly skilled professionals between the research and business – concrete actions Collaboration between research and business at expert level for the implementation of joint projects, technology transfers and other activities. Inviting company experts as lecturers and postgraduate tutors on a part-time basis, as members of expert councils of the research institutes, etc. Attracting university lecturers and researchers in the advisory and executive activities in the companies.
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Promote the use of high technologies in traditional sectors – concrete actions Promoting the distribution of those research results which could find application in more than one sector in the region. Concentrating the research activity upon solving complex issues of importance for several industrial sectors in the region but still placing the focus upon the traditional manufactures from the priority sectors of the region like agriculture, food and drinks industries, tourism, wood processing, etc. Launching programmes to encourage the use of technologies for ecological agriculture, water-purifying technologies, bio-energy technologies, etc.
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Establish spin-off companies and develop doctorship opportunities jointly with the business – concrete actions Supporting the process of company incorporation by researchers from the regional RTOs and universities with the aim to commercialise technologies and research results through the proper institutional forms. Developing doctorship programmes jointly with the regional businesses. Enhance the participation in technology clusters – concrete actions Encouraging the participation of regional companies in technology clusters through special programmes and exploring the potential of the collaboration among research organisations, intermediary organisations, state institutions and regional businesses.
19 November 2004, International workshop Benchmarking RTDI Organisations in Central and Southeast European Countries Thank you for your attention!