Throughput-time reduction and First Time Right production for the thermoform industry by introducing a predictive mould design and manufacturing system SMEs Contract No: COLL-CT Work package 4 : work performed Hick Robert Crif Work package leader WP 4 Steering Committee Meeting, Harze, Semptember 20 th and 21 th 2006
2 Work in work package 4 : first year 1. Description of six validation cases froms core sme’s 2. Description of the cost calculation of thermoformed part (current situation)
3 1: Validation casesAim/goal The aim of the work performed as described in this deliverable is to give a clear definition of six validation mould geometries. These geometries will be used to make validation of the T-ForM approach. Not only the mold geometry of the part will be taking into account but also plastic material used geometrical features (ribs/walls/shape) and demanded dimensional accuracy and stability. The six geometries should be existing ones to enable comparison between the conventional and T-ForM process.
4 1: Steps to reach goal Step 1: Gathering Information amongst the partners Step 2: Identification of a list of geometrical features to be covered by the demonstration molds Step 3: Definition of the six geometries and repartition between the partners
5 1: Currently performed steps Step 1 / step 2 / step 3 Questionnaire sent to RTD partners Up to now, several validation cases received from Core sme’s but not from all of them
6 1: Validation Cases LINECROSS (pera) Validation Case Wheel Arch liner (1045 X 1045 X 530 mm) Part Material PP 3 to 6 mm Mold Material Casted Aluminium Core Sme (RTD)
7 1: Validation Cases SABERT (crif) Validation Case Packaging Tray (310 X 310 X 90 mm) Part Material PET 0.5 mm Mold Material Aluminium Core Sme (RTD) Plug Material Epoxy
8 1: Validation Cases OMNIFORM (crif) Validation Case PP tray (dia 195 X 20mm) Part Material PP 0.5 mm Mold Material Aluminium Core Sme (RTD)
9 1: Validation Cases DECORCHAPA (aimplas) Validation Case Coating of MDF furniture (200 X 120 X 20 mm) Part Material PVC/ABS 1 mm Mold Material MDF Core Sme (RTD)
10 1: Validation Cases Validation Case Coating of a part with drafts under-raised (497x165x10 mm) Part Material PVC/ABS 1 mm Mold Material MDF Core Sme (RTD) DECORCHAPA (aimplas)
11 1: Validation Cases Validation Case Coating of a railing of cot (1350x660x19 mm) Part Material PVC/ABS 1 mm Mold Material MDF Core Sme (RTD) DECORCHAPA (aimplas)
12 1: Validation Cases Core Sme (RTD) PLASVINA (aimplas) Validation Case ShowerTray (900x900x70 mm) Part Material PMMA/ABS 3 mm Mold Material Epoxi-Al
13 1: Validation Cases Core Sme (RTD) JACOB (ikp) Validation Case Transport Blister (244 X 330 mm) Part Material Recycled A-Pet 1 mm Mold Material Aluminium Plug Material Wood
14 1: Validation Cases Core Sme (RTD) BATELAAN (tno) Validation Case Lipstick display Part Material PS Mold Material Epoxy alu filled Plug Material xxx
15 Company name SectorPart TypeSheet MaterialMould Material RTD partnerPlug Material Batelaan 1IndustrialCoffee machineABSEpoxy Alu filledTNO Batelaan 2CustomerLipstick DisplayPSEpoxy Alu filledTNO UnipaIndustrial packaging TraysPSAluIKP SabertPackagingTraysPET 0.5 mm AluCRIFEpoxy LinecrossAutomotiveWheel coverPP 3 to 6 mm Alu (casted)PERA LinecrossIndustrialCaravans part interior part ABSResinRAPRA OmniformPackagingPP potsPP 0.5 mm AluCRIF DecorchapaCustomerFurniturePVC - ABSMDFAimplas PlasvinaCustomerShowertrayABS (ABS/PMMA) Epoxy/ Aluminium Aimplas Jacob*Industrial packaging TraysA-Pet 1 mm AluIKPWood 1: Validation Cases - Company information
16 2: Cost analysis The aim of the work performed as described in this deliverable is to research into and specify currently used production time and costing analyses of moulds made for the thermoforming industry. The influence of the type of thermoforming machine and tooling used will be also assessed. Analyzed methods will be representative of the current practices used by thermoforming industry throughout Europe. The best suited method will be selected in order to later be compared to the development made during T-ForM approach.
17 2: Steps to reach goal Step 1: Perform patent search to establish if there is any prior art in this technological area Step 2: Search of previous experiments and results. Web search Technology suppliers (data registers & recorders, sensors,...) Step 3: Collect of partners experiences via short questionnaires Step 4: Writing of the report
18 2: Currently performed steps Step 1 : Patent research made by our patent department Patent search has been performed. Outcome was not in conflict.
19 2: Currently performed steps Step 2 : Web research/technology suppliers => Articles (7) found from RAPRA Library about cost determination in thermoformed parts => General Cost determination software from
20 2: Currently performed steps Step 2 : Web research/technology suppliers => General Cost determination software DFM
21 Last meeting questions Does the T-sim Software take into account the way that the sheet is heated ?Does the T-sim Software take into account the way that the sheet is heated ? => No. We can only impose the temperature of the sheet.
22 Last meeting questions What is the cost of a material test (IKP) ?What is the cost of a material test (IKP) ? => 1000 – 1500 € per material tested
23 Last meeting questions What is the cost of the T-sim software ?What is the cost of the T-sim software ? => software cost : € + annual fee of 15% of the soft cost => possibility to have a Web connection : couple of hundred of € per year for a limited use time => during the T-form projet: FREE temporary license FREE temporary license (after having t-sim training) T-sim training planned at the end of november
24 Last meeting questions Does the pre-streching of the part is taken into account ?Does the pre-streching of the part is taken into account ?
25 Thermoforming simulation T-sim softwareT-sim software FORMING : Tools modelisation of the forming tools, plug and mold (STL import) parameterisation of the movement of the tools take into account pressure and/or vacuum forming
26 Last meeting questions How is modelise the friction between the part and the mold ?How is modelise the friction between the part and the mold ?
27 Tribology/Theory: Real contact surface mould surface p Theory of adhesion: Frictional force is proportional to molecules in contact, hence to the real contact surface Real contact surface is dependent on temperature, contact pressure, polymer and surface roughness of mould (no linear relation) Friction between sheet and mould
28 Tribology: Measurement Friction between sheet and mould
29 Variation of contact pressure Friction between sheet and mould
30 Variation of contact pressure Friction between sheet and mould
31 Variation of test speed Friction between sheet and mould
32 Variation of temperature Friction between sheet and mould
33 Variation of temperature Friction between sheet and mould
34 Variation of temperature ? ? Friction between sheet and mould
35 Last meeting questions Does the plug shape is taken into accountDoes the plug shape is taken into account => Yes. Possibility to import CAD file of the plug Plug import
36 Last meeting questions List of parameters used with T-simList of parameters used with T-sim => will be communicate after the training session
37 CoordinatorScientific Officer Jan Willem Gunnink Yves Maisonny Hick Robert Crif