>> European Cluster Assimilation Technology
>> The Seventh Framework Programme call: “Improve the exploitability of an already existing European space physics data-set” European Cluster Assimilation Technology (ECLAT) project The ECLAT project was proposed to extend the data holdings, and improve the exploitation, of the Cluster Active Archive, the repository of data from the ESA Cluster mission
>> ESA Cluster mission: Four spacecraft in quasi-tetrahedral formation 4 11 instruments measuring particles, fields, and waves Mission life-time: 2000 – 2014, with review in 2012
>> The Cluster Active Archive ESA initiative to store in perpetuity all Cluster data Efforts are made to ensure the data are “final” Extensive validation and cross-calibration effort Online data portal, including quick-look plots Continuously growing user-base and download history
>> The role of ECLAT ECLAT provides context for the Cluster observations How do Cluster observations relate to other observations of the magnetosphere, made from the ground or other space-borne observatories? The Cluster Ground-based Working Group has provided contextual information for the duration of the Cluster mission to date on an ad hoc basis This will be formalized, improved, and combined with a data-serving functionality within ECLAT
>> Who is involved? University of Leicester, UK Steve Milan (coordinator), Mark Lester Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Austria Rumi Nakamura Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Kirsti Kauristie, Minna Palmroth Institutet för rymdfysik, Sweden Hermann Opgenoorth St. Petersburg State University, Russia Victor Sergeev European Commission Stefano D’Orilia European Space Agency Matt Taylor, Harri Laakso
>> What is needed? 1) A knowledge of the magnetospheric regions and boundaries Cluster is encountering Region and boundary identification (OEAW) 2) An ability to know where Cluster is relative to other observatories in space or on the ground Magnetic field tracing (SPSU)
>> What is needed? 3) The ionospheric conditions at the mapped footprint of the Cluster spacecraft Miracle equivalent current mapping (FMI) 4) Knowledge of the large-scale magnetospheric state and behaviour SuperDARN ionospheric flow patterns and global auroral imagery (ULEIC)
>> What is needed? 5) Physics-based modelling of the magnetosphere as context and as re-analysis GUMICs long runs and re-analysis development (FMI) 6) Archive validation, science exploitation, and out-reach Science and validation workshops, networking with science community, public out-reach (IRF)
>> Miracle
>> SuperDARN – Super Dual Auroral Radar Network
>> “Map potential” technique Represent electrostatic potential pattern as an expansion in spherical harmonics Require 49 coefficients, A lm and B lm to represent the pattern, and software to calculate
>> The Heppner-Maynard boundary represents the low latitude extent of the ionospheric convection pattern As radar backscatter is not seen over the whole polar region, a statistical model is needed to constrain the map potential fit in regions of sparse data This empirical model depends on the simultaneous orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) IMF orientation is stored too
>> Common grid for SuperDARN and IMAGE data products Grid used for pre-evaluated potential pattern and spatial distribution of radar observations (will be used for IMAGE auroral distribution too)
>> Time_tags_start_UT__ECLAT_SD Time_tags_end_UT__ECLAT_SD Hemisphere__ECLAT_SD Quality_flag__ECLAT_SD IMF_Bxyz__ECLAT_SD Pot_diff_max_min__ECLAT_SD HMB_latitude__ECLAT_SD Coefficients__ECLAT_SD Radars__ECLAT_SD No_vectors_grid__ECLAT_SD Potential_grid__ECLAT_SD Start and end time of 2-min record Hemisphere of observation Quality flag IMF vector (3 values) Difference and max and min of Heppner-Maynard boundary Coefficients (49 values) Radars and points (30 x 2 values) Spatial distribution of obs (40 x 40) Evaluated potential (40 x 40)
>> Data files Data production completed for years 2000 to file per day; 720 records per file; each ~7.8 MB in size 4018 files; total ~31.8 GB
>> Quick-look plots Hour plots, each containing 6 convection plots at 10 min cadence (every 5 th convection map in the files) files
>> Quick-look plots Day plots, each containing 144 convection plots at 10 min cadence (every 5 th convection plot in the files) files
>> Quick-look plots Month plots, each containing 144 convection maps per day 132 files
>> WP440 – SuperDARN and auroral imagery visualization software package Progress of WP440 ahead of schedule due to late appointment of Dr Imber and requirement to produce quick-look plots
>> Cluster footprint quick-look plots and data The Cluster footprint has been mapped from the spacecraft location using two magnetic field models (T96 & TS05) The footprint locations are superimposed on the SuperDARN convection maps (and Miracle field-of-view)
>> GUMICs “Run-library” and “year-long run” (2002)
>> Validation; exploitation; out-reach First workshop October 2012, Helsinki