Don’t Let Silence Take Another Life: A PR Campaign to Raise Carbon Monoxide Awareness Jaz, Kristyn Rein, Jennifer Serketich, Jessie Strauch- Faculty Sponsor: Bonita Neff Department Affiliation: College of Arts & Sciences, Communication-Public Relations Background Goals Objectives Evaluations References Campaign Tactics The campaign goal is designed to inform and educate the community about the risks of carbon monoxide. For our national campaign we have three main goals. These include: raising general awareness, promoting the First Alert detectors, and rallying people around the carbon monoxide cause. Implement and Promote—Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month Campaign Survivors and medical professionals—on major news shows and talk shows Social media—post videos from broadcasts Sponsorships with department stores that will sell the detectors Fire Departments—present to local schools -Include information in Friday Folders Medical Offices—brochures/handouts Hospitals—banners at top 10 Get the top 10 Parenting Magazines to run a true story regarding CO poisoning, to include a blurb about the product at the end of the story and the upcoming CO Awareness Month Heath, R. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Public Relations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. International City Managers’ Association., & Institute for Training in Municipal Administration. (1967). Municipal fire administration. The municipal management series. Washington, D.C: The Association. Carbon Monoxide Don’t let silence take another life. Silence Kills This case study was introduced by Wheatley and Timmons public relations agency based in Chicago, IL, recently ranked 18 th in quality of agency culture by the Holmes Report. We were posed with the task of creating a public relations campaign for raising awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning, resulting in carbon monoxide detector sales. To implement these objectives, key communication strategies were identified: broadcasts, parenting magazines, fire departments, hospitals, and social media. The primary strategy is to execute a communication campaign around an awareness month. Such an approach will involve fire departments, broadcasts, parenting magazines, a logo and slogan -- “Don’t Let Silence Take Another Life” -- to represent the carbon monoxide campaign. A national approach targets the top 20 cities in the United States where the awareness month campaign will be promoted. After researching several of the most popular news broadcasts on the major networks on television, and the appropriate way to share information through social media sites, the national awareness month presented a way to gain additional awareness for carbon monoxide and its potential dangers. First Alert detector sales during awareness month Social media sites comments/feedback Viewership of the talk shows and news shows Response from parenting magazine readers Fire department surveys Key communication tactics were put in place in order to implement our objectives: -broadcasts (news/talk shows) -parenting magazines -fire departments -hospitals -social media -logo & slogan (Don’t Let Silence Take Another Life)