ERA-ARD: the Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) ERA-Net June 2012 Sander van Opstal, coordinator ERA-ARD-II
Introduction 1.Urgency and relevance of ERA-ARD 2.Niche of ERA-ARD and organization of work 3.Ambitions, actions and impacts of ERA-ARD Photo’s : Thank you, F. Borgomeister and E. Fuhrmann.
Urgency and relevance Increased food insecurity especially due to financial crisis and volatility of prices of commodities high prices in , currently higher than mean prices Increased number of undernourished people, especially in SSA: MDG 1 not achieved in 2015 in most states in SSA Climate change as long term driver of change Globalization of agricultural production and food systems
GHI components: Proportion of undernourished Prevalence of underweight in children Under-five mortality rate Source: von Grebmer et al extremely alarming/alarming 26 countries with extremely alarming/alarming levels of hunger (2011 GHI)
ERA-ARD-I : Results 1.Mapping of European ARD funding landscape 2.Key documents produced Strategic Vision for 2015 and beyond 3.Setting the scene: Conference: “A Strategic Vision for European ARD in 2015 and Beyond”, Brussels, June Joint call on “Food Security and Energy”: € 2.2 million: 6 projects successfully launched 5.Southern Advisory Group for ARD initiated 6.Launching for the future: bringing the stakeholders together: conference December 2009
Remaining key questions How can European ARD better contribute to MDG 1 ? How to position and organise European ARD funders and actors towards southern needs ? How to organise national funders for more impact and synergy ? How to position a strong European ARD within the IAR Agenda ? Which enabling environment as regards KM and ICT is needed ?
ERA-ARD-II : Organisation of work Aims: Improve European contribution to International Agricultural Research (IAR) Increase impact of European contributions in achieving the Millennium Development Goals Who: 15 partners from 15 countries with 2 observers and the Southern Advisory Group Added value: Improved stakeholder involvement via multiple Southern Advisory Functions
Partners AU Min of LFUW DE FA for AF FR CIRAD FR IRD ES INIA TU Min of AGRA TU STRC (obs.) PT INRB FI Min of AF LT Min of ZU BE DGD IT IAO HU Min of AGR CD DEZA UK DFID (obs.) DK Min of FA NL Min of EL&I
Work Packages 1.Information exchange 2.Strategic activities towards Southern focus 3.Capacity building 4.Joint activities 5.Coordinated call(s) 6.Coordination
Main activities of ERA-ARD : · > Develop and stimulate joint programming of European calls for ARD and of other joint activities; > Promote European cooperation for European Research and Innovation Strategies and programming of Research for ARD (i.a. Horizon 2020); > Contribute to a strong ARD focus within the International Agricultural Research (IAR) Agenda; > Contribute to the development and improvement of southern advice in European programming activities and in Strategic Research Agenda building; > Contribute to the development and focus of Europe’s activities in Capacity Building for ARD; > Contribute to the development of an enabling environment for ARD, based on the GCARD and CGIAR approaches for Knowledge Management and Innovation Systems.
ERA-ARD-II Actions for impact: Southern Advisory Group Multistakeholder platforms ín and wíth the south Call for research projects for Climate Smart agriculture European Strategic focus> Special TF covering ARD actors in Europe In preparation: National Coordination mechanisms for ARD Focus and Impact of European Capacity Building Enabling environment for KM and ICT
Southern & Emerging states Advisory Group Representatives from 5 regional fora: AARINENA, APAARI, CACAARI, FARA, FORAGRO; Provide southern advice in all issues related to the activities of ERA-ARD-II especially as regards the call, and all activities for making European ARD more southern oriented as inter alia a Regional Stakeholder Workshop in the lasts months of 2012 in Burkina Fasso, and the closing conference in July 2013 in Benin.
Building partnerships
Build multistakeholder platforms in the south Mission: build & facilitate Multistakeholder-platforms for joint programming in the south Implementation: Easy-accessible platforms (variable geometry based) for joint programming Alliance approach for improved match-making Strong European support with some seed money or other resources ICT support for community building, communication, research agenda setting, joint programming, Agreements/MOU’s/Letter of Intent (?) between EC MS’s and Southern stakeholder groups and programme owners Joint part-time secretariat for sustainability
ERA-ARD –II Call 8 funding partners € call Theme: Climate smart agriculture in SSA Call closed now:18 applicants, 3-5 to be funded
European Strategic Focus: SCAR, EIARD, ERA-ARD task force: Aim: fostering complementarities & synergies between European Agricultural Research for Europe and for Developing & Emerging Economy Countries
Priorities for more synergy in Europe: Policy level Program level Project level IAR and ARD have to be integrated on the same research questions: climatic change, food security, emerging diseases; Lack of coherence and coordination of national policies and investments on ODA, IAR and ARD; Support to the establishment of Science-Policy interfaces; two yearly IAASTD? Involvement of developing countries, the workers in the food chain and the civil society on development of the European R&I agenda Coherence and coordination between the MS & EC programmes Permanent cooperation at the programme level in Europe for ARD, especially from a Developing Countries perspective Increase funding for ARD from new MS’s, for European neighbouring Countries and for developing countries; Big need for simpler FP 7/HORIZON 2020 procedures; Strengthening the link between research and education Better use of scientific research results through Knowledge & Dissemination platforms
Conclusions 1.Science and Capacity building are key 2.But cooperation is even more important 3.Let’s be ambitious
Thank you for your attention