The Enlightenment Spreads Chapter 22, Section 3
A world of ideas Paris was the cultural and intellectual capital Paris was the cultural and intellectual capital Enlightenment ideas were spread in social gatherings in wealthy homes called salons Enlightenment ideas were spread in social gatherings in wealthy homes called salons Marie Therese Geoffrin Marie Therese Geoffrin Helped finance philosophe Denis Diderot and his Encyclopedia Helped finance philosophe Denis Diderot and his Encyclopedia
The Encyclopedia and salons help to spread ideas of the Enlightenment The Encyclopedia and salons help to spread ideas of the Enlightenment Spread through newspapers, pamphlets, and songs Spread through newspapers, pamphlets, and songs
New Artistic Styles Baroque style emerged Grand ornate design Grand ornate design Neoclassical style emerged Simple and elegant styles that borrowed ideas from classical Greece and Rome Simple and elegant styles that borrowed ideas from classical Greece and Rome
Joseph Haydn ( ) Known as “Father of the Symphony” and “Father of the String Quartet” Known as “Father of the Symphony” and “Father of the String Quartet” Representative Works Representative Works 104 Symphonies 104 Symphonies numerous concertos for various instruments numerous concertos for various instruments
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ( ) Representative works Representative works 23 operas 23 operas numerous symphonies numerous symphonies “Toy Symphony” “Toy Symphony” concertos concertos piano music piano music chamber music chamber music sacred music sacred music
Ludwig van Beethoven Representative Works Representative Works Symphonies (5 th and 9 th probably the most famous) Symphonies (5 th and 9 th probably the most famous) Piano music Piano music Vocal music Vocal music Operas Operas Choral music Choral music
Enlightenment Writers Samuel Richardson’s Pamela True English novel True English novel Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones
Enlightened Despots Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia Joseph II of Austria Joseph II of Austria Catherine II (the Great) of Russia Catherine II (the Great) of Russia Supported the philosophers' ideas but did not give up power Supported the philosophers' ideas but did not give up power
Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia Ruled Prussia from 1740 to 1786; granted religious freedoms, reduced censorship, improved education “the first servant of the state”
Joseph II of Austria Religious toleration Religious toleration toward Jews as well as Protestants toward Jews as well as Protestants Freedom of the Press Freedom of the Press Abolished serfdom Abolished serfdom “musical king.” “musical king.” patron of composers patron of composers
Catherine II (the Great) of Russia Ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796; put in place limited reforms; vastly enlarged the Russian empire
Enlightened despots Enlightened despots supported the ideas of the philosophes and made enlightenment reforms. Europe’s most important enlightened despots included Frederick II of Prussia, Joseph II of Austria, and Catherine the Great of Russia.
Frederick II Ruled Prussia from 1740 to 1786; granted religious freedoms, reduced censorship, improved education
Catherine the Great Ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796; put in place limited reforms; vastly enlarged the Russian empire