World Drug Report 2016 Cocaine and heroin prices in Western Europe* and in the USA *Calculations for Western Europe based on data from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
Cocaine prices
Cocaine prices in Western Europe and in the USA in current currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision.
Cocaine prices in Western Europe and in the USA in constant 2014 currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision, Eurostat, Consumer prices and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Historical Consumper Price Index.
Cocaine prices in Western Europe and in the USA in constant 2014 currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision, Eurostat, Consumer prices and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Historical Consumer Price Index.
Cocaine retail purity in Western Europe* and in the USA, *Cocaine purity weighted by population. Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects.
Purity adjusted cocaine retail prices in Western Europe and in the USA in current currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision, Eurostat, Consumer prices and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Historical Consumer Price Index.
Purity adjusted cocaine retail prices in Western Europe and USA in constant 2014 currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision, Eurostat, Consumer prices and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Historical Consumer Price Index.
Heroin prices
Heroin prices in Western Europe and in the USA in current currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision.
Heroin prices in Western Europe and in the USA in constant 2014 currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision, Eurostat, Consumer prices and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Historical Consumer Price Index.
Heroin prices in Western Europe and in the USA in constant 2014 currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision, Eurostat, Consumer prices and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Historical Consumer Price Index.
Heroin retail purity in Western Europe* and in the USA, *Heroin purity weighted by population. Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects.
Purity adjusted heroin prices in Western Europe and in the USA in current currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision, Eurostat, Consumer prices and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Historical Consumer Price Index.
Purity adjusted heroin prices in Western Europe and in the USA in constant 2014 currency units, Sources: UNODC calculations based on UNODC, ARQ data, EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2016, ONDCP, 2015 National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement, UN DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision, Eurostat, Consumer prices and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Historical Consumer Price Index.