Status of CAST finances
Financial status end of 2015 Cash Contributions kCHF Including 25.8 kCHF for KWISP M&O B Common Fund Balance end kCHF Common Fund – funds already earmarked (non-M&O A) KWISP M&OB ( [UP])= kCHF Spokesperson’s travel (5.146 kCHF) Total earmarked ~ kCHF Real balance for M&O A Operation in kCHF LLNL 2015 contribution in pipeline ( kCHF) Positive kCHF balance for M&O A if LLNL included Note already 6 weeks into 2016 and hasn’t yet arrived
Details of contributions in CASH CONTRIBUTIONS for 2015 DateInstituteCashComments MPP Paid in 2014 M&OA BONN10000Degreasing vacuum pieces CAST M&O A MPS10000Contribution 2015 M&OA TUD10773Contribution 2015 M&OA CAPP25000Contribution 2015 M&OA FREIBURG5000Contribution 2015 M&OA BONN10000Contribution 2015 M&OA CERN20000Contribution 2015 M&OA FREIBURG10000M&OB KWISP BILGI5000Contribution 2015 M&OA PATRAS M&O B Support of CAST dark energy ac CERN BE-RF10000Contribution 2015 & 2016 M&O A Total IN KIND M&O A2015 CERN17409 ABB, Freq inverters, encoder, subsistence, cars, Baum(1.1), Rosu(18.4) total 38.6k then remove 21.2k (Sophia) LLNL2623SDD chameleons publication $ Claim 14.1 in travel costs for shifts (as UBC/INR) UBC3000 Shifts ? (2014 first year when shifts 3k allowed) INR3000shifts (perhaps 5000 tbd) TRIESTE1500car bill TRIESTE500Sun Filming Base Plate RBI/Rijeka1500Sun Filming Camera (note they also paid for travel/subsistence for sun filming personnel) Total IN KIND M&O B2015 PATRAS10000Laser KWISP BILGI2000Photo-receiver KWISP no other institute replied
Missing Contributions M&O A 2015 & ( ) The issue of shifts as in-Kind and LLNL request for cancellation must be resolved today if possible How much of (above) is likely to be paid before end of 2016? MD’s Conservative guess ~ 35kCHF MD’s Optimistic guess ~ 85 kCHF Missing Contributions 2015 (and ) from MOU No7 RBI/Rijeka MOU not signed Greek Delegation MOU not signed Greek Delegation MOU not signed PATRAS DTU MOU signed? LLNL + UC contribution - Not received in still in pipeline LLNL + UC? Owe 55.1k (FRC). LLNL proposes different numbers (25.1k) request by MP to cancel debt total [1] subject to approval
Request for M&O A and M&OB In Kind send last week Hello, Please can each institute send me their in-kind contributions to the M&O A (CAST operating costs) in 2015? Please also, where relevant, send separately the in kind contributions to M&OB (contributions to detector development, construction and commissioning and calibration in I can then make my report as promised for Below is the current contribution table for 2015 Please send me the information by Friday5th February at noon. Cheers Martyn ONLY 2 Replies Need information to complete FRC report on 2015 as promised.
Updated Budget request More manpower included up to end of 2016 cf previous draft request Will need even more than this to support next TC (10%) Will be missing TV, MR,MD Should we put more for Antonis/Christoph for continuity? Draft Budget Request CAST DRAFT BUDGET REQUEST2016Comments GENERAL M&O a) Industrial services and subsistence(kCHF) 1Student – Sofia Apil11.2 Sofia 4 2.8kCHF= 11.2kCHF. Prepaid ~ 3 months by CAST-CERN in 2015 Student - Sofia14Aug to Dec 5x2.8k =14.0k Student - Bilgi5.67 approx 0.8k Postdoc - Bilgi10.57 approx 1.5k Students data taking ? k 2Spokesman33CFund=33kCHF - (any CERN support) 3PJAS ABB Upgrade25to be paid in 2H2016 4aCAST Running/ Deputy Technical Coordinator4Theo will leave end jan bAntonis/Christoph123 months or more? 5Mechanical support (FSU)4 6sub total128.2
Draft budget request b) Experimental operation costs 7Stores6 8Cars10 9Phones/printing/transport costs5 10Gas/cryo liquids1 11Epool4.2 12Mechanical workshops and materials (CERN plus Institutes )0 13Subsistence/expenses ( data taking)30in kind from: 15 LLNL/ 5 INR/3 UBC 14GRID + XRT alignments Slow Control(computers/monitors/tapes)3 17Repairs, maintenance on pumps& gauges & RGA6 18Mechanical movement maintenance & running costs2 motor revision 19Electrical work and cabling workshop2 20Safety (upgrade lignes de vie)0done end Divers(vacuum cleaning/ cleaning/ outreach/ courses/ trips /Patras workshop grant)4 22Payment AB for FSU for power converter +3He PLC maintenance5 23Contract with ABB (3.8k + contingency for call outs)3.8we are now only user ABB sub total87 24Total215.2
Draft budget request Grand total contains notional 15k Panter and 23k inkind shifts = 38k where there is no cash involved Total cash/inkind required for 2016 is = kCHF 2015Comments Experimental upgrades(kCHF) a) Common Investments 25LLNL XRT in PANTER (in kind contribution from MPE)15In Kind from MPE 26Tracking system upgrade2 27Instrumentation4 28Sun filming upgrade0 29sub total21 b) Radiation Pressure detector and window development 30Radiation Pressure and Relic detectors development (DM/DE)0 31Low Energy Windows, prototypes and tests sub total0 c) MFB Platform and Cryostat 34Design - integration KWISP on XRT platform1 35Design - integration of Relic detectors inside cryostat MRB4 36Mechanical work for mounting new instruments on CAST sub total5 39Total26 40Grand Totals241.2
Income to match this budget (241kCHF) request in 2016 ? List of Institutes 2016 M&O ACommentsM&OBComments 2016 List of Institutes 2016 Team leader PhD's and above Minimum contribution (5kCHF/PhD) Promised Contribution cash/inkind CERN-CASTM. Davenport -> 420 CERN-BE/RFW Wuensch 150Paid in 2015 Greek DelegationK Zioutas 315 UP GreeceK. Zioutas ??5To be confirmed ? DE/DM dec 2015 DE/DM 2016? NTUA, GreeceE. Gazis 150 AUTH, NCSR, GreeceK Zioutas ??? TU-Darmstadt, GermanyD. Hoffman ??11 10 k euros if necessary for M&OA, but preference is KWISP MPE, Germany 15 Nominal cost of LLNL XRT calibration. In Kind MPP, GermanyG. Raffelt 15?To be clarified Columbia U., USAC. Hailey 15? DTU-Space, DenmarkF. Christensen Calibration XRT + analysis U Bilgi, TurkeyS. Cetin 155 2KWISP U Bonn, GermanyK. Desch 210 INR, RussiaS. Gnineko to 5kCHF extra shifts LLNL, USAM. Pivovaroff 315 in kind, shifts40 Calibration XRT + analysis UBC, CanadaM Hasinoff 153shifts RBI/Rijeka CroatiaM. Krcmar 420 Still waiting for 2015 Add t.b. signed UZ, SpainI. Irastorza 7350 UT, ItalyG. Cantatore 1542 (+2) inkind41KWISP MPS, GermanyS. Solanki 1510 CAPP, KoreaY. Semertzidis Freiburg, GermanyH. Fischer 155 ~10In Kind KWISP Total kCHF (Panter and shifts). If remove leaves kCHF cash+ inKind promised
Estimate of M&O A balance end of % budget spent 90% spent M&O A Balance Budget request (minus 38k Panter & Shifts) Promised cash / inkind (minus 38k) ? ? Balance end 2016 (If no other outstanding contributions paid. But all cash for 2016 paid) ? ? Outstanding Contributions [1] to arrive in 2016 MD’s estimate (incl. LLNL 20k) ~ Estimated balance end to ? -38 to ? [1] Note: Total possible outstanding Contributions ( 120 k + LLNL ) CAST does not have enough Contributions to run fully in 2016
Common Fund present situation (CHF) Balance Spent up to Present balance Status M&O A balance = kCHF Status earmarked non M&OB funds: KWISP M&OB ( [UP])= = kCHF Spokesperson’s travel (5.146 kCHF) – = kCHF Total earmarked kCHF
Conclusions Issue of travel expenses from US/Canada for shifts Must be resolved today to prepare 2015 budget report Also in view of any future claims (Practice only started in 2014) Issue of request from LLNL to cancel debt Must be resolved today LLNL will pay any costs of publications as inkind For CAST to run in 2016 CAST doesn’t have enough contributions to run fully in 2016 More Institutes must contribute to the M&O A operation funds Institutes with significant M&O B funds sent to Common Fund could donate a fraction to M&OA Institutes, who can, should contribute more than the minimum 5k/PhD Institutes who contribute 0 can surely find 2or 3 or 4 kCHF from other funds The intermixing of M&OA and M&OB in common Fund Is a nightmare to bookkeep Status of M&O A & M&OB in Common Fund Must be reported to SC each meeting Need a new bookkeeper ==> next TC
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Addendum No 7 Promises for 2015
CashIn-Kind Details In-Kind Total 2015 (kCHF) CERN 20 (25)5Technical support25 (30) IRFU-Saclay, France 0 0 Greek Delegation UP, Greece UTH, Greece 0 0 NCSR, NTUA, Greece 0 0 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany 10 PANTER tests if needed10 MPP, Germany 0 0 Columbia U., USA 5 5 DTU-Space, Denmark 5 5 UD, Turkey 04Purchases in Turkey4 U Bonn, Germany 10 INR, Russia 5Extra shifts5 LLNL, USA 15 UBC, Canada 3Wkshp & shifts3 RBI, Croatia 15 UZ, Spain 0 0 UT, Italy 2 2 MPS, Germany 10 Rijeka, Croatia5 5 CAPP, Korea25 UFR, Germany5 5 TOTAL
(kCHF) Budget (incl DE/DM) (excl DE/DM) Cash + in kind contributions Cash Spent Sum promised in Addendum Balance at start of year (incl DE/DM) (excl DE/DM) Percentage spent/budget History of M&O A Budget, spending & balance
Attempt to compare Mike’s numbers with “FRC accounting” Shifts 2015Totals MikeIKCASHIKCASHIKCASH PROMISED PAID DEBT Overpay 18.2Underpay 55.1Even When 20k arrives Overpay 14.1Underpay 22.8 Request from LLNL to cancel this Official CAST PROMISED020 PAID DEBT Overpay 16.7 cancelled end 2010 Underpay 55.1 FRC Overpay 2.3 When 20k arrives If allow shifts; overpay 14.1 Underpay 38.7