By Asma,Amelia,Eli,Oliver Clockworks, Wind, Paddling Boats, Waterwheels and Bread
* What are clockworks? * How does clockwork work? * What is wind? * Which were the first steam boats? * What is steam? * What is steam used for? * What was the first electric boat? * What were waterwheeles made of? * What were the machines that were used for making bread?
Clockworks are works in a clock and they turn the handles around the clock. Before there were clocks they used sun dials The earliest sun dial was a stick in the ground.
*C*C lockwork works when a wheel turns another wheel and then lots of wheels turn and make the handles turn the same as the seconds, minutes and hours pass. Cogs push against each other to turn the wheels.
Wind can be a clean source of energy. It can be cold and sometimes warm. People use it as electricity by using wind turbines. In 2003 Europe had the most wind turbines in the WORLD! wind turbine
The first steam boats were made in the 1899.
Steam is a hot type of gas that come from heated water. It was used in the olden transports. In our days we use electricity.
Steam was used for transport in the olden times. They still use it in factories.
The first electric boat was made in 1839, and was called Electra.
A waterwheel was very large wooden or metal wheel with a number of blades or buckets on the outside rim. The force of the water moved the blades which in turn moved the wheel. The water weight moved the wheel. The movement of the blades turning the axle made machinery inside the mill work. Watch this video about waterwheels
* About 100 years ago they used stone heaters and used fire for making bread.
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