Progress Report on the Ultra-fast Harmonic Kicker Cavity Design and Beam Dynamic Simulation Yulu Huang 1,2 H. Wang 1, R. A. Rimmer 1, S. Wang 1 1.Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA, Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Science, Lanzhou, Gansu,730000
Outline 2 Fast Kicker Requirements for the JLEIC Kicker Waveform Challenges and Solutions Beam Dynamics Tracking for One Kicker Scheme Beam Dynamics Tracking for Two Kicker Scheme Kicker Cavity Design Prototype Cavity Progress Multi-Cavity Kick-Drift Model Tracking Conclusion Acknowledgement
3 Kicker Requirements for the JLEIC Electron cooling is essential for achieving high luminosity. High energy bunched electron cooling is part of multi-phased cooling scheme of JLEIC To achieve very high current (~1.5A) for bunched beam cooling in the future high luminosity upgrade, a circulator ring was proposed to reuse the electron bunches Electrons circulate 10~30 turns in the circulator ring, beam current and bunch repetition frequency in the ERL can be reduced by a factor of 10~30 One or two ultra-fast kickers are required for this circulator ring
Challenges and Solutions 4 ~ns ~10 of ns Few kV Few mrad Pulsed power supplies, especially with these characteristics are beyond state of the art. An alternative driving method is summing simple cosine waves at sub- frequencies of the final beam repetition frequency to generate a continuous waveform.
Kick Waveforms to Kick Every 10 th Bunch 5 10 Harmonics+DC offset9 Harmonics+DC offset
One Kicker Scheme Tracking 6 P [MeV/c]55 ε x, ε y [nm] 10 β x, β y [m] 10 σ s [cm] 3 σ Δ p/p 3e-4 f [MHz]476.3 n10 V kick [kV]55 Incoming bunch Outgoing bunch kicker Monitor One kicker scheme tracking with ELEGANT was following Amy Sy ’s presentation in the COOL2015 workshop. Circulator ring approximated with 1 turn linear transfer matrix Kicker waveform generated using a series of zero-length RF deflectors with appropriate frequencies, phases, and amplitudes One monitor was put after the kicker One bunch recirculates for 10 turns One kicker tracking scheme and tracking parameters obtained from Amy Sy x x’ x -1 mrad
One Kicker Tracking Result 7 Flat-Top Zero-Gradient Equal-AmplitudeLeast-Modes Kicked in Kicked out
Emittance Growth During Recirculation 8 For zero-Gradient scheme, negligible emittance growth seen during recirculation due to the near-zero residual voltage For other three schemes, larger emittance growth seen due to the larger residual voltage gradient (the wave slopes)
Two Kicker Scheme Tracking 9 Incoming bunch Outgoing bunch Kicker 1 Monitor 1 Kicker 2 Recirculating bunch (180 degree Betatron phase advance in x-x’ plane) Pi Matrix x x’ x -1 mrad 1 mrad x’ ~0 mrad x x x’ x Monitor 2 Monitor 3 Single particle in the recirculating bunch The residual kick due to the waveform slope can be canceled Kicker phase advance (x 0,x’ 0 ) (x 0,x’ 0 -) (-x 0,-x’ 0 +) Kicker 1 (-x 0,-x’ 0 )
10 Two Kicker Tracking Result Flat-Top Zero-GradientEqual-AmplitudeLeast-Modes Monitor 1 Monitor 2 Monitor 3 Kicked in Kicker 2 Kicked out New bunch Kicked in 180 degree rotate Kicker 1
11 Bunch Rotated after the Pi Matrix Monitor 2 Monitor degree Betatron phase advance in x-x’ plane
12 Emittance Growth During Recirculation Negligible emittance growth during recirculation for all schemes due to the cancelation of the kicker-Pi Matrix-kicker scheme Flat-Top scheme has minimum emittance growth due to the uniform kick when the bunch was kicked in If the emittance tolerance increase, harmonic modes can be reduced to half with Least- Modes scheme
Kicker Cavity Model 13 5 harmonics 47.63MHz 1,3,5,7,9 3 harmonics 47.63MHz 2,6,10 1 harmonics 47.63MHz 4 1 harmonics 47.63MHz 8 Frequency (MHz) (kV) Flat-Top (kV) Zero- Gradient (kV) Equal- Amplitude(kV) Least- Mode(kV) # # # # DC Total kick voltage=55kV
Shunt Impedance and Power 14 Mode (MHz) Flat-Top Kick Voltage (kV) CST Trans. Shunt Impedance (Ω) Dissipated Power (W) E E E E E E E E E E65.81 DC Total E Shunt Impedance and Dissipated power is calculated for copper
Half-Scale Prototype Cavity 15 Half scale prototype cavity with 5 harmonic modes (fundamental f=95.26MHz) Engineering drawings were already finished All materials are already delivered 32 inch ~6 inch ~2 inch 5 Stub tuners for 5 harmonic modes (tuner positions are optimized) Beam pipe One loop coupler port for 5 modes 4 Straight slope tapers on the inner conductor (Taper positions are optimized)
Multi-Cavity Kick-Drift Model 16 X’X’ X 1 mrad Incoming bunch Outgoing bunch Single particle in the Recirculating bunch (-x 0 -(3x’ )Drift, -x’ ) (x 0,x’ 0 ) (x 0 +(3x’ )Drift, x’ ) (-x 0 -x’ 0 Drift,-x’ 0 ) K21+Dr+K22+Dr+K23+Dr+K24 K11+Dr+K12+Dr+K13+Dr+K betatron phase advance Not fully cancelation Residual emittance growth is depending on the Drift, but still a very small value 180 degree phase advance
17 Monitor 3Monitor 2 Monitor 1 Monitor 2 Monitor 3 Multi-Cavity Kick-Drift Tracking Same bunch, but in different time scale
18 Monitor 1 Monitor 3 Monitor 2 Monitor 1 Monitor 2 Monitor 3 Multi-Cavity Kick-Drift Tracking
19 Emittance Growth During Recirculation Initial Normalized Emittance
Conclusions 20 An Ultra-fast, high repetition rate kicker concept was developed. Several kick waveforms were discussed with the beam dynamics tracking in ELEGANT. A series harmonic kicker cavities with great power efficiency were designed to generate such kind of kick waveform. Beam dynamics tracking is also studied for this multi-cavities scheme. An half scale prototype cavity is under manufacture. A 3-D bead-pull system is set up for the future bench test
Acknowledgement 21 Acknowledge to Jiquan Guo for the helpful discussions during this work ! Acknowledge to Amy Sy for the help on ELEGANT tracking!