Bread, by Any Other Name... A Curriculum Project By Katie Delahunty Sarah Diaz Cristina Loftus
Philosophy n Our Goals are 1)Individual to Communal 2)Thematic & Transformative 3)Increase knowledge about cooking through social studies, science, math 4)Promote a classroom environment that values other cultures 5) Support all learners through modeling
Essential Questions n What is bread? n What does bread look like? n How can we incorporate activities that use Multiple Intelligences into our lessons? n How can we integrate the theme of bread or dough and community across different content areas? n How does bread or dough and their preparation vary across different cultures?
Essential Questions cont. n What is the difference between a mixture and a compound? n How many of _____ do we need in order to make ___? n How many ____ do we need so that everyone gets one? n How long will it take to bake?
Integrated Subject Areas– Social Studies Social Studies & Multiple Intelligences Social Studies & Community What is community? Social Studies & Bread What is bread? Where does bread come from? Where do we see bread in our home/school? Where do we see bread in our community? Let’s make bread! How does bread/dough and their preparation vary across cultures?
Integrated Subject Areas– Mathematics n Math and Multiple Intelligences n Math and the Community n Math and Quantity n Math and Counting n Math and Time
Integrated Subject Areas– Science n And how science relates to the essential questions/enduring understandings
Language Development and Language Separation n Cristina
Success in Language Development Skills n Katie n Increase in community vocabulary in English & Spanish -Family, Culture, New York, South Bronx n Increase in bread vocabulary in English & Spanish -Bakery, pizza, tortilla, sandwich n Students were able to chart and name the different stages of bread - Seed, wheat, flour, dough, bread
Challenges in Developing Language Skills n Student populations n Early Childhood Education Practices vs. Bilingual Education methodology n Visitors in the Classroom n Background Knowledge
The Social Studies Lesson (Katie) Description of the Lesson -Introduction- Pan Pan Pan –Minilesson- Stages of bread –Observe- Pan Especial/ Pan Típico –Chart/Reflect –Closing
The Social Studies Lesson (Katie) Description of the Lesson -Introduction- Pan Pan Pan –Minilesson- Stages of bread –Observe- Pan Especial/ Pan Típico –Chart/Reflect –Closing
The Social Studies Lesson (Katie) Description of the Lesson -Introduction- Pan Pan Pan –Minilesson- Stages of bread –Observe- Pan Especial/ Pan Típico –Chart/Reflect –Closing
The Social Studies Lesson n Successes of the Lesson –Teachers & Students were flexible –Adapted to circumstances (rain, snack time, change of schedule, ) –Hands on (with student’s snack) n Changes –Change Differentiation -Special Bread & Everyday Bread were Ambiguous – Go Outside
The Proof n Insert clip here– when we get it
The Science Lesson (Cristina) n Description n Successes n Changes
The Evidence
The Mathematics Lesson n Description of the Lesson –Introduction –Estimation –Measuring –Making Playdough –Clean-up –Closing
The Mathematics Lesson n Successes of the Lesson –Active Minds and Active Hands –Eager Kids with Smiling Faces n Changes –2 Shorter Lessons –Start at the Beginning –Vocabulary Development
The Playdough
Insights Through Planning n Katie n Pre-Lesson –Details! Details Details! n During Lesson –Flexibility, Ability to adjust lesson plan –How to gauge the appropriate next step of plan through learners interest, participation & inquiry n Post Lesson –Ability to evaluate curriculum design based on student work and teacher conferences.
Insights Through Teaching n (Cristina)
Insights Through Assessment n Pre-Lesson –Planning and Writing Assessment Pieces –Anticipating Results n During Lesson –Watchful Eyes of a Teacher –Thoughtful Responses, Careful Mixing n Post Lesson –Closure Responses –Written Estimations and Results
Affects on Future Teaching n Katie n Flexibility n Planning and Teaching in Teams Provides Great Support n Kinesthetic activities are essential but classroom management is more difficult when implemented.
Affects on Future Teaching n Cristina
Affects on Future Teaching n Cool Under Pressure n Teaching for All Learners n Know Your Students n Stop, Collaborate, and Listen n Assessment
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