ABSTRACT Objectives: To document the effectiveness of an instructional model to teach clinically relevant medicinal chemistry. Methods: An instructional model that utilized Bloom’s cognitive and Krathwohl’s affective taxonomy, published and tested concepts in teaching medicinal chemistry, and active learning strategies, was introduced in the medicinal chemistry course for second professional year doctor of pharmacy students (campus and web). Subjective and objective evaluation tools were developed to assess student learning and overall effectiveness of the instructional model. A temporal comparison of the student performance after introducing the instructional model was compared to previous student performance academic years. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to determine the results. Results: Student performance improved when compared to previous years. Students’ overall enthusiasm about the course, the course content and activities is evident. The students’ perceived value of medicinal chemistry to clinical practice is demonstrated. Implications: The explicit integration of the cognitive and affective learning objectives resulted in enhanced student ability to envision how they will apply the science of medical chemistry in practice. Testing this instructional model provides validation that the theoretical framework for this instructional model is effective for our campus and web-based students. Our instructional model also has a broad-based application to other science courses.
INTRODUCTION Creighton University Doctor of Pharmacy program Factors impacting learning in science courses: –General Education –Course Specific New ACPE guidelines and the sciences Medicinal chemistry faculty and clinical relevance
Table 1. Historical Literature Describing Integration of Clinical Relevance into Medicinal Chemistry Courses YearContribution 1985Article by Roche –use of chemical knowledge in rational therapeutic decision. 1990s-Several articles published highlighting different strategies to introduce clinical relevance in the teaching of medicinal chemistry. AACP Meeting presentations and abstracts – 1998 Patient related case studies in medicinal chemistry and Case Study Textbook in Medicinal Chemistry published – 2001 Structurally Based Therapeutic Evaluation concept was introduced in medicinal chemistry to bring relevance, practical applications, interdisciplinary teaching and meeting specific ability based outcomes for pharmacy students, 2000AACP Section of Teacher’s of Chemistry published the report of the Section’s Task Force for Teaching Problem Solving in Medicinal Chemistry Courses Computerized tutorials in medicinal chemistry. 2002Foye textbook introduces case studies at end of each chapter.
METHODS Develop an instructional model: –a standardized approach to each lesson plan –Integrates clinical knowledge to meet specific ability based outcomes (ABO) while retaining foundation knowledge. The theory of the model: optimal student ABO performance achieved if: – affective learning objectives are explicit and – are incorporated concurrently with cognitive objectives.
METHODS Instructional Model Template Six sections –Introduction –Pharmacophore –Structure activity relationships (SARs) –Applying SARs –Summary of the most common clinical decisions –Prediction of clinical activity
METHODS This template moves the students thinking through a constructive process that lays a medicinal chemistry foundation of both generalized and specialized content knowledge. Students are transitioned based on clinical relevance of the content The design of the content presentation is mapped against Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning (table 2) and Krathwohl’s taxonomy of affective learning (table 3).table 2table 3
METHODS TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Learning objectives The lesson handout A lesson summary Integration exercise Food analogy A pre-class assessment quiz Interactive in-class PowerPoint Presentation and discussion SBTE case studies Sample examinations Voluntary recitation/on-line sessions
METHODS Subjective and objective evaluation tools were developed to assess student learning and overall effectiveness of the instructional model. A temporal comparison of the student performance after introducing the instructional model was compared to previous student performance academic years. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to determine the results.
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Evaluation Technique PHA337(Fall 04) Campus Web (N= 110) (N=59) PHA337(Fall 05) Campus Web (N= 106) (N=60) Exam Average(%) a 73.6 b Pre-Assessment Quizzes (%) Course Score (%) a 82.5 b Table 4. Student Learning (Fall 2004 vs.Fall 2005)
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Student willingness to participate was more evident and the quality of their questions and answers was high. A very positive attitude towards the learning process. (campus and web) Several students indicated that they are using the knowledge as pharmacy interns and to answer questions for family and friends. Several students emphasized how the knowledge gained in this course helped them to understand better the respective topics in pharmacology. Several students submitted case scenarios and two cases were utilized on exam II and exam IV.
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Evaluation Item Campus (N=106) Somewhat Agree-Agree a (%) Webs (N= 60) Somewhat Agree-Agree (%) The course content is consistent with the syllabus. 100 The course assessments (exams, quizzes, activities) are consistent with the syllabus The course prepared me to think like a health care professional. 98 The course included opportunities for me to actively participate in my learning Table 5. Summative Course Evaluation Fall 2005) a Scale responses include: Do Not Agree = 1; Somewhat Disagree = 2; Neutral = 3; Somewhat Agree = 4; Agree = 5.
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Table 6. Major Course Related Themes (Fall 2005) Well organized and structured. Notes well-structured and easy to understand. Interactive course. Excellent class. Helped tie things from other courses. Made you think outside the box. Challenging but fair. Helpful in understanding the why’s of drug action. Helped to establish a distinct connection between science and pharmaceutical practice. Stimulates professional development to a high degree.
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Campus students appeared to emphasize more the enthusiasm shown by the instructor in teaching the course and the active learning that made the course more clinically relevant. Web students were more impressed with the course organization, delivery and the interactive nature of the course. The combined summative and narrative evaluation of the course do clearly indicate the students overall appreciated the course, what it had to offer and how it clearly promoted active learning and clinical relevance of the content.
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Evaluation Item Campus (N=87) Somewhat Agree- Agree a (%) Web (N= 52) Somewhat Agree-Agree (%) Lesson handout aided learning Lesson handout is organized Lesson content helped in integrating previous information. 94 The transition of content presentation in the handout encouraged critical thinking Lesson content helped in appreciating the clinical relevance of the information The lesson handout encouraged me to be more responsible for my learning Table 7. Summative Evaluation on Lesson Handout a Scale responses include: Do Not Agree = 1; Somewhat Disagree = 2; Neutral = 3; Somewhat Agree = 4; Agree = 5.
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Evaluation Item Campus (N=104) Somewhat Agree- Agree a (%) Web (N= 60) Somewhat Agree- Agree (%) Verbal presentations clear Effective Teaching methods. 100 Promoted learning with case-based examples. 100 Incorporated technology appropriately to aid learning Promoted mutual respect Interest in student success Encouraged discussion 100 Demonstrated professionalism in interactions 9299 Table 8. Summative Instructor Effectiveness a Scale responses include: Do Not Agree = 1; Somewhat Disagree = 2; Neutral = 3; Somewhat Agree = 4; Agree = 5.
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Narrative instructor evaluation were consistent between campus and web students. Web students stressed more the availability of the instructor and the prompt responses. Comments that are clearly common to both student cohorts are the enthusiasm and motivation shown by the instructor in teaching the content and the instructor ’ s interest in student success. Several indicated that the later motivated them to become more responsible for their learning. “ His enthusiasm inspires but couple that with his gift to teach, you have a killer combo. “ “ Did an excellent job in waking us up every morning. “
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Evaluation Item Campus (N=87) Somewhat Agree- Agree a (%) Web (N= 52) Somewhat Agree- Agree (%) Pre-assessment quiz is a useful tool to become familiar with the lesson content Pre-assessment quiz made it easier to follow the interactive discussion session in class/on the web Interactive in class PowerPoint presentation was helpful to understand the content The interactive in-class PowerPoint presentation was helpful to transition me to think critically and perform at a higher level In-class clinical applications were helpful Table 9. Student Perception of Course Activities a Scale responses include: Do Not Agree = 1; Somewhat Disagree = 2; Neutral = 3; Somewhat Agree = 4; Agree = 5.
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Evaluation Item Campus (N=87) Somewhat Agree- Agree a (%) Web (N= 52) Somewhat Agree- Agree (%) The SBTE concept was helpful to relate to the content. 95 The SBTE concept provided clinical relevance The food analogy was helpful to relate to the pharmacophore, SAR and clinical applications The use of the digital photography in the food analogy aided learning The food analogy helped me to perform better in this course Table 9. Student Perception of Course Activities a Scale responses include: Do Not Agree = 1; Somewhat Disagree = 2; Neutral = 3; Somewhat Agree = 4; Agree = 5.
EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Evaluation Item Campus (N=87) Somewhat Agree- Agree a (%) Web (N= 52) Somewhat Agree- Agree (%) I had a negative attitude towards this course before taking it My attitude is more positive towards the course after taking it I attach more worth to medicinal chemistry knowledge after taking this course Med chem. Knowledge can improve patient health and outcome I will use this knowledge in therapeutics Table 10. Student Attitude Towards Medicinal Chemistry Learning a Scale responses include: Do Not Agree = 1; Somewhat Disagree = 2; Neutral = 3; Somewhat Agree = 4; Agree = 5.
PRACTICALITY/WORKABILITY/ TRANSFERABILITY Cognitive and affective pedagogy are well documented in the literature. Lesson handout is a logical approach. Active learning strategies are well documented and tested. Technology is widely available to complement course activities. Evaluation tools and analysis are straightforward, practical and can be easily developed to address different courses.
CONCLUSIONS The instructional model provided the instructor, campus and web students involved with the most rewarding interactive and learning experience. Student overall attitude in class, outside class and at a distance has been the most positive ever. The explicit integration of the cognitive and affective learning objectives enhanced student ability to envision how they apply medicinal chemistry in practice.
CONCLUSIONS Objective and subjective data validates that the theoretical framework for this instructional model is effective for our campus and web-based students. Our instructional model may have a broad-based application to other science courses.