Cost and schedule for ELENA Beam Transfer Systems W. Bartmann, J. Borburgh, E. Carlier, L. Ducimetiere, T. Fowler, M. Hourican, R. Ostojic, L. Sermeus ELENA Cost and Schedule Review, 21 st November 2014
Outline Overview AD kickers platform removal Elena injection kicker – Electromechanical HW – HV generators Injection Septum Ion switch Fast Deflectors Quadrupole assembly Electrostatic deflectors 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer2
Overview 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer3
Element overview Length of electrostatic lines: 95 m – 31.5 m not included in initial cost estimate (Source-, BASE-, ASACUSA2 line) Injection: – 1 magnetic septum, 1 magnetic kicker Extraction: – 2 fast pulsed electric deflectors Source injection: – Electrostatic ion switch – Polarity reversal on line and injection equipment required Transfer lines: – 64 quadrupole assemblies (focussing and steering) – 7 fast pulsed electric deflectors – 10 electrostatic bends 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer4
AD kickers platform removal HV generators removal – 600 kCHF – 10/13 – 05/15 – Platform removal (“point of no return”): 12/14 – 76 kCHF transferred to AD consolidation (WU129511) for AD Main and Dump switch rejuvenation – Overspend on transmission cables (2x estimate due to first prototype out of spec and half price paid, reviewed design more expensive) and connectors – Transmission cable delivery (1km) not guaranteed for end 03/15 – Decision if existing cables are removed for recuperation or not by 02/15 Displace electronics – 550 kCHF – 01/ /16 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer5
AD kickers platform removal 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer6 sub-WP 2: AD kickers HV generators platform removal Person in charge:Luc Sermeus Budget of WU (kCHF):598 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancementBudget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub-WU) Perform infrastructure design B393Luc Sermeus18/10/1331/01/140%2 Install new infrastructure in B393Luc Sermeus21/03/1403/04/1421%124 Etudes modifications MS&DSLuc Sermeus15/08/1431/12/143%15 Installation of 2dump switchesLuc Sermeus01/07/1431/01/151% 4 Installation of 2 main switchesLuc Sermeus01/08/1431/01/151% 4 Installation of 6 dump switchesLuc Sermeus01/10/1428/02/153%123 Connect 2 PFLs to switchesLuc Sermeus01/01/1528/02/150%2 Transmission cables spec., order & delivery (500m proto) Luc Sermeus01/12/1315/05/143%16 Tx cable connector studyLuc Sermeus01/02/1431/08/143%19 Transmission cables order & delivery (500m)Luc Sermeus01/07/1430/11/146%38 Transmission cables order & delivery (1000m)Luc Sermeus01/07/1430/03/1513% 75 Removal of generators and platform from B193Luc Sermeus15/12/1428/02/152% 10 Cable removalLuc Sermeus01/01/1501/04/152% 10 Installation of 6 main switchesLuc Sermeus31/01/1515/02/152% 12 Connect 6 PFLs to switchesLuc Sermeus16/02/1531/03/150%2 Oil system installationLuc Sermeus01/09/1431/03/1529%60115 SF6 piping workLuc Sermeus01/02/1531/03/153%315 Transmission cables pullingLuc Sermeus01/03/1530/04/152% 10 Tx cable connectors (2x19)Luc Sermeus01/04/1515/05/156% 38 Commissioning of 8 AD generatorsLuc Sermeus06/04/1531/05/152% %
AD kickers platform removal sub-WP 1: Displace Electronics & Controls of AD Injection and Ejection Kickers to B393 Person in charge: Alain Antoine Budget of WU (kCHF): 550 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancement Budget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub- WU) Perform electronics and controls displacement analysis Alain Antoine01/01/1430/06/1420 Produce engineering specificationAlain Antoine01/06/1430/06/1410 Purchase, produce & test required hardware Alain Antoine01/07/1431/12/ Provide infrastructureAlain Antoine01/07/1430/03/ Displace, reinstall & test electronics and controls Alain Antoine01/01/1531/05/ Commission systemAlain Antoine01/06/1530/06/ /11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer7 Electronics&Controls displacement:
Injection kicker Electromechanical HW – 252 kCHF – 01/14 – 07/15 – Overspend on vacuum tank due to NEG coated additional parts instead of more simple tank coating + feedthrough (2x estimate, only one offer among 7 inquiries) – Vacuum tank delivery postponed by 6 months due to delay in drawings as the consequence of the delay in machine integration – Installation of vacuum tank in 06/15 will be tight – Spare magnets available (without tank) HV generators – 111 kCHF – 01/15 – 05/16 – Thyratrons purchase postponed for cost spreading – Common spare with AD ejection Electronics – 150 kCHF – 07/14 – 03/16 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer8
Injection kicker sub-WP 1: ELENA injection kicker electromechanical hardware Person in charge:Luc Sermeus Budget of WU (kCHF):252 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancementBudget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub-WU) Perform System DesignLuc Sermeus01/01/1431/03/140% Perform Detailed Engineering designLuc Sermeus01/04/1431/05/145%13 Write technical specificationLuc Sermeus31/05/1430/06/150% Contact EN-MME for vacuum tank and accessoriesLuc Sermeus01/06/1415/07/140% Manufacture vacuum tankLuc Sermeus15/07/1431/03/1569%8293 HV feedthroughs (1+S)Luc Sermeus01/09/1431/01/1512% 29 Perform vacuum tank testsLuc Sermeus01/04/1530/04/150% Connection boxes (1+S)Luc Sermeus01/01/1431/12/147%17 Perform assembly at CERNLuc Sermeus01/04/1531/05/150% Terminating resistorLuc Sermeus01/01/1531/05/153%215 Perform installation in situLuc Sermeus01/06/1509/06/150% 1 CommissioningLuc Sermeus01/07/1531/07/154% % 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer9 sub-WP 2: Provide Electronics & Controls for ELENA Injection Kickers Person in charge:Alain Antoine Budget of WU (kCHF):150 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancementBudget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub-WU) Perform electronics and controls designAlain Antoine 01/07/1431/12/14 20 Produce engineering specificationAlain Antoine01/12/1431/12/1410 Purchase, produce & test hardwareAlain Antoine 01/01/1530/06/ Provide infrastructureAlain Antoine 01/07/1530/09/ Install & test hardware and controlsAlain Antoine01/10/1531/12/ Commission systemAlain Antoine01/01/1630/03/ Injection kicker Electronics & Controls:
Injection Septum Magnet – 45 kCHF – 01/14 – 12/15 Electronics – 30 kCHF – 01/15 – 03/16 Power supply EPC No issues expected 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer10
Injection septum sub-WP 1: Provide Electronics & Controls for ELENA Septa Person in charge: Alain Antoine Budget of WU (kCHF): 30 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancement Budget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub-WU) Perform electronics and controls design Alain Antoine01/01/1528/02/1520 Produce engineering specificationAlain Antoine01/03/1531/03/1510 Purchase, produce & test electronics and controls Alain Antoine01/04/1530/06/ Provide infrastructureAlain Antoine01/07/1530/09/1510 Install & test electronics and controls Alain Antoine01/10/1531/12/ Commission system Alain Antoine 01/01/1630/03/ /11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer11 Provide ELENA injection existing SM12 drawings kCHF mechnical support kCHF bus bar992645kCHF mechanical drawings0100%1-Jan Dec-2014 parts procurement0100%1-Jul Sep-2015 Installation01u1-Oct Dec-2015 Injection septum Electronics & Controls:
Overview 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer12
Ion switch 1 unit + spare electrodes, insulators 150 kCHF 01/13 – 06/16 Assembly being finished in the Main Workshop Powering – Test supplies purchased – Final power supplies EPC (might re-use test power supplies) Test stand with source if possible at final source location – 04/15 – Location of test stand to be defined – compatibility with other works and safety – Rely on external source delivery for test schedule – Rely on extended source instrumentation for beam tests – Final support should be ready – Test procedure to be prepared by beginning /11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer13
Ion switch sub-WP 4:Ion switch Person in charge:Wolfgang Bartmann Budget of WU (kCHF):150 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancementBudget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub- WU) Perform System DesignWolfgang Bartmann01/01/1301/06/130% Perform Detailed Engineering designWolfgang Bartmann01/06/1301/05/1417%26 Write technical specificationWolfgang Bartmann01/12/1301/05/140% Manufacture electrodes, connectors, feedthroughsWolfgang Bartmann01/06/1401/12/1460%90 Perform assembly at CERN of electrodes and discsWolfgang Bartmann01/12/1419/12/143%5 Verify alignment precision of electrodes wrt discsWolfgang Bartmann08/01/1515/01/151%2 Slide electrode units into chambersWolfgang Bartmann15/01/1501/02/151% 2 Acceptance test (geometry, leak test, electrical test)Wolfgang Bartmann01/02/1501/03/150% Install at provisional test stand in AD hallWolfgang Bartmann01/04/1501/05/153% 5 Perform test with sourceWolfgang Bartmann01/05/1501/08/157% 10 CommissioningWolfgang Bartmann01/04/1601/06/167% % 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer14
Fast Deflectors Deflector – 9 units + spare electrodes – 522 kCHF – 2 units for ring (Phase 1): 01/14 – 11/15 – 7 units for TLs (Phase 2): 01/15 – 11/16 – Long lead items ordered – No issues expected Powering – 9 units + 3 spares – 600 kCHF – Ring (2+1, Phase 1): 07/14 – 03/16 – TL (7+2, Phase 2): 07/14 – 06/17 – No issues expected 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer15
Fast deflector 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer16 Provide ELENA Fast Deflector ELENA 2 deflectors left, no spare tank kCHF electrodes kCHF feedthroughs kCHF vacuum equipement kCHF mechanical drawings100 %1-Jan Nov-2014 was included in job on parts procurement0100%1-Dec Apr-2015 vacuum chambers02U1-Jan May-2015 system assembled02U1-Jan Oct-2015TTE cost included system tested02U1-Sep Nov-2015 Provide ELENA Fast Deflectors 7 deflectors +1 spare left +1 spare right tank kCHF electrodes kCHF feedthroughs kCHF vacuum equipement kCHF parts procurement0100%1-Jan Dec-2015TTE cost included vacuum chambers07U1-Jan May-2015 system assembled07U1-Jan Jul-2016TTE cost included system tested07U1-Aug Nov-2016
Fast deflector powering 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer17 sub-WP 1: Provide High Voltage Pulsed Generator and Electronics & Controls for ELENA Fast Switching Dipoles Person in charge: Tony Fowler Budget of WU (kCHF): 450 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancement Budget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub-WU) Perform pulse generator design Tony Fowler01/07/1431/12/ Perform electronics and controls design Tony Fowler01/07/1431/12/1410 Produce engineering specification Tony Fowler01/12/1431/12/1410 Purchase, produce & test hardware Tony Fowler01/07/1530/06/ Provide infrastructure Tony Fowler01/07/1630/09/ Install & test hardware and controls Tony Fowler01/10/1631/12/ Commission system Tony Fowler01/04/1730/06/ sub-WP 3: Provide High Voltage Pulsed Generator and Electronics & Controls for ELENA Ejection Kickers Person in charge: Tony Fowler Budget of WU (kCHF): 150 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancement Budget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub-WU) Perform pulse generator design Tony Fowler01/07/1431/12/1410 Perform electronics and controls design Tony Fowler01/07/1431/12/1410 Produce engineering specification Tony Fowler01/12/1431/12/1410 Purchase, produce & test hardware Tony Fowler01/01/1530/06/ Provide infrastructure Tony Fowler01/07/1530/09/ Install & test hardware and controls Tony Fowler01/10/1531/12/ Commission system Tony Fowler01/01/1630/03/1610
Quadrupole assembly Phase 1 – 15 units – 200 kCHF – 01/13 – 06/16 – Order placed, items should arrive end of this year, assembly and acceptance test tight but feasible until mid-15 Phase 2 – 49 units – 540 kCHF – 12/14 – 06/17 – No issues expected 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer18
Quadrupole assembly sub-WP 1: Quadrupole assembly (Phase 1) Person in charge:Wolfgang Bartmann Budget of WU (kCHF):200 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancementBudget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub-WU) Perform System DesignWolfgang Bartmann01/01/1301/06/130% Perform Detailed Engineering designWolfgang Bartmann01/06/1301/08/1415%30 Write technical specificationWolfgang Bartmann01/06/1401/09/140% Perform Invitation to tenderWolfgang Bartmann01/09/1401/12/140% Manufacture electrodes, connectors, feedthroughsWolfgang Bartmann01/12/1401/03/1568%4294 Perform assembly at CERN of electrodes and discsWolfgang Bartmann01/03/1501/04/153% 6 Verify alignment precision of electrodes wrt discsWolfgang Bartmann01/04/1501/05/152% 3 Slide disc units into chambersWolfgang Bartmann01/05/1501/06/151% 2 Acceptance test (geometry, leak test, electrical test)Wolfgang Bartmann01/05/1501/06/152% 3 CommissioningWolfgang Bartmann01/03/1601/06/1610% % sub-WP 2: Quadrupole assembly (Phase 2) Person in charge:Wolfgang Bartmann Budget of WU (kCHF):540 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancementBudget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub-WU) Manufacture electrodes, connectors, feedthroughsWolfgang Bartmann01/12/1401/12/1576% Perform assembly at CERN of electrodes and discsWolfgang Bartmann01/03/1601/06/169% 406 Verify alignment precision of electrodes wrt discsWolfgang Bartmann01/06/1601/07/164% 202 Slide disc units into chambersWolfgang Bartmann01/07/1601/09/162% 102 Acceptance test (geometry, leak test, electrical test)Wolfgang Bartmann01/09/1601/10/160% CommissioningWolfgang Bartmann01/04/1701/06/179% % 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer19
Electrostatic bends 10 units + spare electrodes 1222 kCHF 01/14 – 06/17 Engineering design to be finished mid next year Manufacture electrodes from end next year until mid-16 – Potential hardware contribution announced by Cockroft Institute – CERN technical documentation ready for tendering 06/15 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer20
Electrostatic bends sub-WP 3:Electrostatic bends Person in charge:Wolfgang Bartmann Budget of WU (kCHF):1222 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancementBudget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub- WU) Perform System DesignWolfgang Bartmann01/01/1401/12/140% Perform Detailed Engineering designWolfgang Bartmann01/12/1401/06/152% 30 Write technical specificationWolfgang Bartmann01/04/1501/06/150% Perform Invitation to tenderWolfgang Bartmann01/06/1501/09/150% Manufacture electrodes, connectors, feedthroughs for 10 bendsWolfgang Bartmann01/11/1501/06/1676% Perform assembly at CERN of electrodes and framesWolfgang Bartmann01/06/1601/07/169% 110 Verify alignment precision of electrodes wrt framesWolfgang Bartmann01/07/1601/08/162% 30 Assemble electrode units into tankWolfgang Bartmann01/08/1601/09/161% 10 Acceptance test (geometry, leak test, electrical test)Wolfgang Bartmann01/09/1601/10/162% 30 CommissioningWolfgang Bartmann01/04/1701/06/177% % 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer21
TL design Integration drawings for certain lines to be paid by workpackage Inj.Extr. Tls This did likely not appear in any of the initial cost estimates 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer22 sub-WP 4:TL design Person in charge:Wolfgang Bartmann Budget of WU (kCHF):55 Work Unit WU Start dateFinish dateAdvancementBudget Person reporting(dd/mm/yy) (% of total sub- WU) Perform TL DesignWolfgang Bartmann01/01/1301/12/140% Perform Detailed Integration designWolfgang Bartmann01/06/1301/05/16100% %
Potential issues/risks I AD kicker platform removal – Platform removal (“point of no return”): 12/14 – Transmission cable delivery (1km) not guaranteed for end 03/15 Decision if existing cables are removed for recuperation or not by 02/15 – Very tight schedule with AD operation prolongated up to mid December – Highly dependant of services : EN-HE for Transport, TE-VSC for cleaning EN-MME for central workshop – Risk for delay of AD startup in 2015 ELENA injection – Potential delay of injection kicker installation date June/15 – to be adapted in installation planning 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer23
Potential issues/risks II Ion switch – Location of test stand to be defined – compatibility with other works and safety – Rely on external source delivery for test schedule – Rely on extended source instrumentation for beam tests Electrostatic bends – Technical documentation not finished cost estimate less accurate than for other items – Cockroft Institute contribution to be clarified 21/11/2014Cost&Schedule ELENA Beam Transfer24