1 Intensity Frontier Instrumentation R.Tschirhart, S. Kettell Fermilab.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Intensity Frontier Instrumentation R.Tschirhart, S. Kettell Fermilab

2 Intensity Frontier Instrumentation The Intensity Frontier includes: neutrinos, baryon number violation, light weakly-coupled particles, charged leptons, kaons, B’s, charm and EDMs. It is hard to characterize all of these at a high level, but we have tried. Draft Recommendations: 1)Development of large mass, cost effective detectors for neutrino detection and proton decay. 2)R&D on cost effective calorimeters with good photon pointing and time of flight (goal is <20mrad, 10ps). 3)R&D towards cost effective, high efficiency photon detection for kaon experiments (10 -4 ) 4)Very fast, very high resolution photon/electron calorimetry for muon experiments (goal is 100ps, sub-percent energy resolution) 5)Very low mass, high resolution, high-speed tracking for muon,kaon, and light weakly coupled particle experiments (0.001 X 0 per space point, 100ps per track) 6)High fidelity simulation of low energy particle interactions; strategies to effectively simulate >10 12 particle decays & interactions. 7)High throughput, fault tolerant streaming data acquisition systems (goal of TB/second throughput to PB/year data storage)

Intensity Frontier Instrumentation A lot to draw on: Intensity Frontier Workshop November 30, Project-X Physics Study, June 14, Charge: discussion of instrumentation needs for Intensity Frontier Snowmass Intensity Frontier Workshops SLAC March3,2013 ANL April 25-27, 2013

Primary motivations: Quark Flavor & Charged Leptons Golden Modes Muons:  - N  e - N, g-2,  +  e + , EDM Kaons: K  B: B  , B  Kll, B  s , B  The Kaon program is evolving to include a charged K +  + experiment, ORKA, making use of the intense Main Injector beam, as a key step towards a neutral K L  0 KOPIO-like experiment using Phase-2 Project-X beams. K  requires very high  0 detection efficiency (inefficiency <10 -6 ) ORKA needs high light collection from plastic scintillator in a  1.5T magnetic field. KOPIO+ excellent energy, time and directional measurements of the  0 photons. The Muon program starts with the g-2 and Mu2e experiments currently under construction, using intense muon campus beams fed by the Fermilab Booster. Confirmation of the current discrepancy of g-2 with the Standard Model or the observation of Mu2e would require follow-up experiments at Project-X. Current heavy flavor factories (b, , c) have severely constrained physics beyond the Standard Model, notably with discovery and measurement of B s   (CMS, LHCb) close to the Standard Model prediction and ever tighter limits on   3  and   . (Belle, LHCb). Evolution to Belle- II and the LHCb upgrade require higher performance lower mass tracking, particle ID, and breakthrough data acquisition performance.

Primary motivations: Neutrinos & Baryon Number Detectors frequently need to be very massive, providing a strong synergy with proton decay searches. The need for event reconstruction has led in some cases to segmented detectors; however, the primary focus has been on large monolithic detectors. The three primary detection media are water, liquid scintillator (LS) and liquid argon (LAr). key area of R&D is on increasing performance of large LAr detectors. purification of LAr measuring optical attenuation length and diffusion. Efficient scintillation photoelectron collection TPC design (1-phase and 2-phase readout) The US effort for massive detectors focuses on the 1-phase readout. Other R&D focuses on improved attenuation length of LS detectors Focuses on large area photodetectors based on microchannel plates for timing and increased photoeletcron yield.

Primary motivations: Light-Weakly Coupled particles & Nucleons, Nuclei, Atoms Experimental progress on the intensity frontier is driven by ever increasing sensitivity to rare processes and every increasing precision on measurement of fundamental parameters such as the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g-2), Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs), and Moller electron-electron scattering, weakly interacting particles….Need input here.

Instrumentation Needs Calorimeters Fast (Mu2e  LYSO, g-2  PbF2, MEG  LXe, ORKA  Pb-scint.)   0 > % (K  ) with 4  fully hermetic photon detection KOPIO+ needs energy, time, position and direction Trackers: Low mass (drift chambers, straws, Si) Good space/timing resolution Operation in vacuum (e.g. g-2, Mu2e, NA62/CKM straws in vacuum) Massive Detectors: Need cost effective detection of scintillation or Cherenkov light Need cost effective detection of ionization electrons DAQ sensitivity gains afforded by the high-level processing of all events Simulations and Computing reasonably and economically steward 1-10 Peta-Bytes Include neutrino-nucleus interactions within GEANT4

Calorimetry The Project-X Physics Study (PXPS) Electromagnetic Calorimetry Working Group investigated a series of muon, kaon and neutron- antineutron oscillation experiments in existing or proposed pre- Project X versions and in several instances examined whether or not the calorimetric techniques employed in these experiments could be extrapolated to produce viable experiments at Project X in its various stages. In so doing, areas of potentially fruitful R&D in calorimetry were identified. The resulting initiatives have both short term experiment-specific goals, and longer term more generic objectives. PXPS: Calorimetry 17&resId=0&materialId=paper&confId= &resId=0&materialId=paper&confId=5276 NuFact 8/22/138

Tracking In addition to excellent position resolution, requirements include: – extremely high rate capability (potentially up to 1 MHz/mm 2 ) – extremely low mass (<< 1% X 0 ) – in some cases good timing resolution (< 1 ns). The tracking working group of the Project-X Physics Study undertook to survey tracking requirements of potential Project X experiments and the capabilities of available technologies, with the goal of identifying high priority areas for R&D. PXPS: Tracking nId=17&resId=0&materialId=paper&confId= nId=17&resId=0&materialId=paper&confId=5276 NuFact 8/22/139

Data Acquisition Next generation filter processing must be performed in the context of these high density multi-core fabrics with smaller local cache memory for each computing core, which is a significant evolution challenge for event processing software today. Potential sensitivity gains afforded by the high- level processing of all events, for example up to a factor of x10 for complex events in LHCb and at least a factor of x3 for ORKA over the previous generation of kaon experiments. NuFact 8/22/1310

Simulation and Computing Next generation intensity frontier experiments can expect to reasonably and economically steward 1-10 Peta-Bytes of data thanks to pioneering efforts of the LHC experiments. Streaming data acquisition systems for intensity frontier experiments will require filtering rejection of greater than x1000. Realizing this ecosystem where >99.9% of fully reconstructed are rejected forever will require a robust fault tolerant “self-aware” computing framework and associated applications. Comprehensive simulation of neutrino-nucleus interactions with state-of-the-art generators does not exist within GEANT4 today. Further progress in the treatment of low energy interactions, neutron transport in particular will also be important to high fidelity modeling of rare processes important to intensity frontier research. NuFact 8/22/1311

Conclusions A robust intensity frontier program to fully exploit Project-X beam opportunities requires a robust program of detector R&D. Focus for this R&D program should be upgrades to the neutrino, kaon and muon programs: LBNE, Mu2e and ORKA, along with new experiments: e.g. KOPIO+, Mueg, Mu3e, next generation weakly interacting particle experiments. Given the tremendous power and versatility of the Project-X beams and other facilities, we should expect other scientific opportunities will arise and in fact, such opportunities will be facilitated by a robust detector R&D program. An R&D program that will help enable US researchers at the intensity frontier program should be a priority. NuFact 8/22/1312