IFIP Contributions to United Nations World Summits 1.IFIP & WSIS-2003 (Geneva) 2.IFIP contribution to PPF-2005 (Tunis) 3.IFIP contribution to WSIS 2005 (Tunis)
1. IFIP & WSIS-2003 (Geneva) WITFOR 2003 (Vilnius): Vilnius Declaration Geneva November 2003: Conference organised by Professors Cornu and Levrat WSIS-2003: Vilnius Declaration presented to WSIS Plenum by H.E. Adamkus (then Ambassador, now President of Lithuania)
2.1 IFIP & PPF-2005 (Tunis) Conference „Past, Presence and Future of the Information Society“ (PPF) Tunis: November 13-15, 2005 in Tunis In cooperation with ICSU, IFIP, WFEO et al IFIP sessions Monday November 13,2005 Website:
2.2 IFIP & PPF-2005 (Tunis) Session 1: “IT: Development and Education” Dipak Khakhar (Sweden): “The WITFOR process: from Vilnius to Gaborone” Dewald Roode (South Africa/IFIP): “The Gaborone Declaration: Principles & Projects” Bernard Cornu (France), Jan Wibe (Norway): “The Stellenbosch Declaration” Paolo Brunello (Italy): “Education for Development: The Burundi project” Remark: an e-Learning project of Italian Foundation WITAR at the Lycee Technique A.Rossi in Ngozi, Burundri, using 2-way EUTELSAT links with Italy, including teacher training,computer lab and LAN, learning material, , VoIP, Videoconferencing …
2.3 IFIP & PPF-2005 (Tunis) Session 2: “Roles of IT in The Information Society” Dmitris Gritzalis (Greece): "Information Society and Research on ICT Security in the Developing World“ Klaus Brunnstein (Germany): “Requirements for Security in the Information and Knowledge Society” Enrique A. Chaparro (Argentina): “IT Security and its Impact for Civil Society groups” Jacques Berleur (Belgium): “Governance and Ethics in the Information Society”
3. IFIP & WSIS 2005 (Tunis) Government level: suggestion that Government of Botswana presents Gaborone Declaration to WSIS in Tunis NGO level: IFIP to present Gaborone and Stellenbosch Declarations at WSIS PreConference IFIP to support Botswana at WSIS IFIP to submit Gaborone and Stellenbosch Declarations at UNESCO General Conference (Paris, October 2005)