Gary Kipp, Executive Director Association of Washington School Principals Dr. Michael Starosky, Asst. Superintendent, Chief of Schools Seattle School District
The mission of AWSP is to support principals and the principalship in the education of all students. Association of Washington School Principals
A professional association for K-12 building leaders Unified relationship with NASSP and NAESP Partner with Washington Association of School Administrators 96+% membership (3,015 principals and assistant principals) Three state-level groups: Elementary, middle level, high school Two national affiliates: NAESP & NASSP
Expectations of Practice Evaluation Systems
Common Focus of Most Frameworks School Community – Environmental components that contribute to student success, such as expectations of interactions, organizational values, safety, celebrations, etc. School Improvement – Organizational data analysis, goal setting, vision creation, action planning, etc. Instructional Leadership – Improving teaching practice, aligning curriculum, instruction and assessment, etc. Management of Operations and Resources – Hiring and assigning staff, aligning fiscal resources with organizational goals, etc. Utilizing the Larger Community – Engaging parents and community as partners in the students’ learning, using the community as a classroom, etc. Equity and Cultural Responsiveness – Closing the opportunity gap for students, promoting culturally responsive practices, etc.
Principals need support so they themselves can support their school. The AWSP Leadership Framework and User’s Guide were created to facilitate principal support.
Defining Support & Authority Effective Conversations Setting the Stage for Growth
NeedsGoalsEvidenceStrategiesTimelineSupports Implement
Establish a Focus Preparing for the Conversation Having Conversations Reflecting Next Steps
Assistant Principals Teacher/ Principal Connection Student Leaders Appendices
Welcome to Seattle Public Schools! 17
Why SPS? 19
School Leadership Matters 20 “The influence of school leaders is second only to teaching in potential influence on student learning (Louis, Leithwood, Wahlstrom, & Anderson, 2010).
The Need and the Problem 21 51
Alumni 22 9/18
SPS Lead Up Leadership Development Pipeline 23
If Seattle Public Schools proactively selects, develops, and supports highly effective, skilled, future principals and assistant principals, the quality of principals and assistant principals will increase, which will impact the quality of teaching and create equitable outcomes for each and every student in every classroom. Lead Up Theory of Action
Seattle Public Schools student, teachers, and parents are worthy of school leaders who are highly skilled and effective. Therefore, Seattle Public School’s Leadership Development Department has created the Lead up Program to proactively invest in the development and support of future and current administrators. Further Theory of Action
LearningEquityRespect Relationships ExcellenceReflection Lead Up Core Values
Seattle Public Schools 3,017 Teachers 220 Career Ladder Teachers 28 Coaches/Teacher Mentors 85 Assistant Principals 97 Principals 53,000 Students
Cohort 2! 28
Kelly Aramaki-Southeast Jon Halfaker-Northwest Kim Whitworth-Northeast Sarah Pritchett-Central Is Vela-Southwest Executive Directors of Schools 29
Photos by Susie Fitzhugh
1.AWSP Leadership Framework 5.1, who reminds you that a successful leader “monitors instruction and assessment practices” 2.Data Wise, chapter 5 Tonight’s content brought to you by…
Connections to our Year-long Learning Intentions School leaders will use the Danielson Framework and AWSP Framework to develop shared understanding of effective instruction and instructional leadership practices. School leaders will close achievement and opportunity gaps for all students (Criterion 8, AWSP) by continuing to improve and develop instructional leadership skills that impact teacher practices that impact student achievement.
Connection to AWSP At least 18 components out of 28 are addressed when you support teachers in using meaningful and authentic formative assessments in their practice
Focus Components for Today Danielson Framework: 1f: Designing Student Assessments 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness AWSP: 1.2: Engages in essential conversations for ongoing improvement 3.4 Assists staff to use data to guide, modify and improve classroom teaching and student learning 5.1 Monitors instruction and assessment practices 5.3 Assists staff in implementing effective instruction and assessment practices
Reflect, assess and prepare to share: What are you currently doing to support teachers in monitoring student progress? How does your work align with the AWSP Framework? [Consider thinking about this as evidence of your own leadership growth toward your summative evaluation.] What do you want to further develop in your own practice?
Sharing our practice and tools for progress monitoring What are you currently doing to support teachers in monitoring student progress? How does your work align with the AWSP Framework? What do you want to further develop in your own practice?