Human Resources Update Governing Body of UWHC Board Authority Board Janice K. Bultema November 4, 2009
2 Employee Vacancy Rates 9/30/0809/30/09National Benchmarks Overall Hospital Rate3.91% (250 FTEs) 3.83% (245 FTEs) 3.40%* Nurse Clinicians4.75% (70 FTEs) 0% (-28 FTEs) 4.20%* Imaging Specialists4.22% (7 FTEs) 2.75% (4 FTEs) 5.90%** Clinical Pharmacists8.11% (10 FTEs) 1.02% (1 FTEs) 8.10%** Board Employees2.84% (74 FTEs) 5.31% (138 FTEs) -- Vacancy Rates Low Across Country * HR Investment Center, Advisory Board, July 2009, Median for AMC’s ** 2007 American Hospital Association Survey of Hospital Leaders
3 Vacancy Trends Board Vacancy Up with New Fiscal Year Openings
4 Employee Turnover Rates FY 09Rolling 12-Month 09/30/09 National Benchmarks Overall Hospital Rate Total 08.39% Voluntary 6.54% Total 8.35% Voluntary 6.51% 10.30%* Nurse CliniciansTotal 6.20% Voluntary 5.07% Total 5.96% Voluntary 4.96% 8.10%* Imaging Specialists Total 7.15% Voluntary 7.15% Total 7.19% Voluntary 7.19% 10.00%** Clinical Pharmacists Total 11.22% Voluntary 9.50% Total 8.60% Voluntary 6.88% 11.00%** Board EmployeesTotal 10.65% Voluntary 7.67% Total 10.85% Voluntary 8.18% -- Turnover Rates Remain Lower than Benchmarks * HR Investment Center, Advisory Board, July 2009, Median for AMC’s ** American Society of Healthcare Human Resources Administration Survey, Spring 2005, Median for Hospitals with More than 2500 Employees
5 Rolling 12-Month Turnover Trends Nursing Turnover is Very Low
For More Information, Contact Janice Bultema at