Introduction to Groundwater International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre Dr Neno KukuricThessaloniki, 2008
Groundwater reserves
Where is the groundwater?
Hydrologic cycle
Groundwater Flow
Confined & unconfined aquifers
What is aquifer l Aquifer means a permeable water-bearing underground geological formation underlain by a less permeable layer and the water contained in the saturated zone of the formation;
Hydrogeological classification l Aquifer = Rock with medium to high permeability l Aquitard = Rock with a low permeability l Aquiclude = Rock with (almost) zero permeability l Aquifuge = Rock with zero permeability and no water
Porosity Types
Residence time
Hydrogeological methods l Hydrogeological mapping l Drilling l Monitoring l Geophysical methods l Surface techniques l Remote sensing l Geochemical methods l Modelling l Analytical l Numerical (FDM, FEM, AEM) l Synthesis and Analysis
Hydrogeological models
Sources of groundwater contamination
Sources of gw contamination
Sources of gw contamination 1 l Point sources l On-site septic systems l Leaky tanks or pipelines containing petroleum products l Leaks or spills of industrial chemicals at manufacturing facilities l Underground injection wells (industrial waste) l Municipal landfills l Livestock wastes l Leaky sewer lines l Chemicals used at wood preservation facilities l Mill tailings in mining areas l Fly ash from coal-fired power plants l Sludge disposal areas at petroleum refineries l Land spreading of sewage or sewage sludge
Sources of gw contamination 2 l Point sources l Graveyards l Road salt storage areas l Wells for disposal of liquid wastes l Runoff of salt and other chemicals from roads and highways l Spills related to highway or railway accidents l Coal tar at old coal gasification sites l Asphalt production and equipment cleaning sites l Non-point (distributed) sources l Fertilizers on agricultural land l Pesticides on agricultural land and forests l Contaminants in rain, snow, and dry atmospheric fallout
Groundwater Contamination