How to Write an Original Thesis Statement
Start with the theme You will be exploring… Manhood in Huckleberry Finn Then, to figure out your “angle” or analysis, you need to start asking yourself some questions.
Manhood Who would represent manhood in the book? Who thinks that they are men in the book? What message is Twain conveying about manhood?
Ultimately your thesis will be a statement about what you think the author is communicating to the world.
To answer my last question, I start thinking about places where manhood might be shown. This is my brainstorming. Pap as a man in Huck’s life defines himself by his power over Huck Colonel Sherburn defines manhood by carrying the bigger gun and not being afraid to use it boldly The Grangerfords define manhood by killing the enemy Jim shows manhood by caring for Huck, but his manhood is taken away by Tom.
Ponder your examples… Ask yourself is there a common thread? Is one message being communicated here?
What message is communicated by Twain’s examples of manhood? Possible thesis: In Huckleberry Finn, force and intimidation do not equal manhood because male characters who dominate through abuse of power are cruel, absurd, and immoral.
Every thesis statement should have Topic Opinion Reasoning (often presented as a plan of development)
Here’s a thesis statement. Let’s see if it has all the parts. Because the events in the story emphasize Black Elk's role as a Sioux Warrior, and do not describe Black Elk's Catholicism and membership in the Society of St. Joseph, Black Elk Speaks presents a simplified view of the complex history of Native Americans.
Because the events in the story emphasize Black Elk's role as a Sioux Warrior, and do not describe Black Elk's Catholicism and membership in the Society of St. Joseph, Black Elk Speaks presents a simplified view of the complex history of Native Americans. Topic: Accuracy of Black Elk Speaks Opinion: Book is simplified Reasoning/Plan of Development: Role as Sioux Warrior, Catholicism, membership in Society of Saint Joseph.
In Huckleberry Finn, force and intimidation do not equal manhood because male characters such as Pap, the Grangerford men, and Colonel Sherburn are simultaneously cruel and irrational.
Your paper should continually refer back to your thesis statement, and the topic sentences should repeat key words in the thesis to keep you on track.
Today your mission is… To create a working thesis To begin a rough outline Your outline should look like this Working thesis: blah blah blah I Topic of first body paragraph A. Example B. Quote C. Quick note on how quote relates to thesis II Topic of second body paragraph And so on and so forth!