Aaron Copland American Composer, Teacher, Writer and Conductor by Ian Dazley
Born in Brooklyn, New York on November 14th, 1900 Parents were Jewish immigrants from Lithuania Started formal piano at 13 Graduated from Boys High School in Brooklyn studies music with Ruben Goldmark and Clarence Adler Drawn to JAZZ Early Years
1921 Moved to France Studied at the new American Conservatory Took harmony classes from Nadia Boulanger Influenced by new music Game Changer
Nadia is Nice Aaron was her first American pupil She helped shape his musical development Helped him get music published Secured a commission for the Boston Symphony - she was well connected
Copland the Gringo goes to Mexico Carlos Chavez invites him to Mexico Loved the people Visits a Dance Hall Writes El Salon Mexico
El Salon Mexico folk influence Uses Mexican Folk Songs El Palo Verde Le Jesusita El Mosco conducts-copland wk
I’m an AmeriCAN Wants to influence Americans through music Uses folk songs Writes Ballets that are American themed Wins a Pulitzer
Folk influence in Ballets Hoe-Down, the Rondo from Rodeo a-summer-night-all-star-festival/track/hoe-down-from-rodeo- aaron-copland Appalachian Spring Folk Melodies Bonaparte’s Retreat McLoed’s Reel Gilderoy Simple Gifts a Shaker Dance mple+gifts Writes 5 Variations
Hoe-Down Video
Ever the AmeriCAN through his Movie Scores Deeply patriotic Connected with everyday people with movie scores Wrote scores for Of Mice and Men, The North Star, The Red Pony, and the Heiress
Still an AmeriCAN even though accused of Communism Creates Fanfare for the Common Man A Lincoln Portrait Accused of Communism Forced to testify before McCarthy Keeps his cool
It was over and the fat lady didn’t sing Composes full length opera The Tender Lands His Companion, Erik Johns aka Horrace Everett write libretto Not well received by critics The Promise of Living, a polyphonic song from the Opera still became popular.
TONS OF AWARDS Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Arts,1925 Pulitzer Prize - Appalachian Spring, 1945 Academy Award - The Heiress, 1950 Grammy Award - The Tender Lands, 1961 Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1964 Kennedy Center Honors Congressional Medal of Honor and National Medal of Arts from Pres. Reagan, 1986
Later Years Becomes a conductor Reworks some of his earlier works Starts getting Alzheimers Disease Dies on December 2nd, 1990 Ashes scattered at Tanglewood Music Center