We use and see fractions, decimals and percentages everywhere and everyday! Click on Link for Video: Are these the same?
1.00 is a whole 4/4 pieces is a whole 100% is a whole This is all juice! Nothing else has been added to it. But…we don’t always work with wholes!
Fractions A fraction can be used to represent part of a whole or part of a set. It has two parts: a numerator and a denominator. Numerator Denominator How many parts How many parts make up the whole Part Whole
Decimals Decimal numbers are numbers that contain a WholesParts The Decimal Point is placed between the whole and the fractional part of the number.
Percentages are useful because they make it very easy to compare things.. What does Percent mean? ‘ per cent’ means per hundred % means __/100 Example: 50% means 50 out of 100 Percentages
We see fractions in cooking recipes e.g. ½ a cup of flour. We see decimals at the petrol station e.g $0.50c per Litre We see percentages when shops have sales e.g. save 50% off storewide! When solving problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages, it sometimes makes the question easier if it is written in another way. Everyday Examples
There is 100 square parts below… FractionDecimal% % % % % % The connection between them
There are 100 square blocks here… FractionDecimal% % % % % 100 1
This connection can also be shown on a number line %50%25%75% The connection between them
Even As a Whole... 1 Circle 1.00 of a circle 100% of a circle Lets cut this circle into four pieces... Lets shade 3 pieces out of the four That is also written as Can you tell me how else we could write this? As a decimal… As a percent… Can you point out where along the number line this would be?
Simon baked 10 Cookies... He decides to give 50% of them to his friend Amy. How many cookies is 50% of 10 cookies? We know that 50% is a half …the same as ½ & 0.5 Who can tell me how much is 50% or a half of 10? The Answer is… Is the same as… Which is the same as
The School Canteen Sells Ice Blocks for $1.00 On a very hot day the canteen decides to make ice-blocks ½ price. We could also describe this as ______% off. Is the same as… Who can tell me how much an ice-block would cost if the canteen sells them for ½ price?
Class Quiz Who can tell me how many people are in the classroom at the moment? That number will be our whole. Who can tell me what 50% of the class is? Who can show me how we could write this as a fraction? Who can show me another way we could right this? Are there any other ways? Class Quiz!
Are these the same? ½ % ? ¼ % ? ¾ % ? % ? Are these the same?
So… As we have seen Fractions, Decimals and percentages are all forms for expressing parts of a whole and each can be represented in any of the three forms. We see and use them everyday and everywhere! In our test results! The Canteen! Can you name any other places we would see fractions, decimals or percents? Sharing Pizza!At the supermarket! Baking a cake! Measuring things!
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