SOME SYNTEX CONVENTIONS Italics indicate variables to be replaced by actual names, numbers, or expressions. Curly brackets {} indicate alternative values for the same option or argument. Square brackets [ ] enclose items that are not required. Vertical bars | separate alternative values for the same option or argument. Ellipses … indicate items that may be repeated as many times as needed.
BJT (q) A transistor with up to four terminals: collector, base, emitter, and (optional) substrate. Syntax qname collector base emitter [substrate] model [[area=]A] [areab=B][areac=C] [M=M] [SCALE=S] [tables=T] Parameter Description name BJT name collector Collector terminal base Base terminal emitter Emitter terminal substrate Substrate terminal model BJT model name. The model is specified elsewhere in the input file in the form.model name npn|pnp [parameters].
Parameter Symbol Description Default area A Area scale factor 1 Areab B Base area scale factor A Areac C Collector area scale factor A M M Multiplicity - the number of device placed in parallel. 1 tables T Toggle internal tables. When 1 internal tables are on, T-Spice will build a table of current and charge values to speed device evaluation. Examples qout1 1 2 gnd gnd npnmod qout2 1 2 gnd gnd npnmod area=2 Here the area factor scales the generated current; thus, qout2 generates twice as much current as qout1.
CAPACITOR(C) A two-terminal capacitor. A nonlinear capacitor can be created using the g- element with an expression and the chg keyword. Syntax cname node1 node2 modelname [c=C] [M=M] [scale=scale] [tc1=T1] [tc2=T2] [dtemp=dtemp] [l=length] [w=width]
Parameter Symbol Description Default Units Name Capacitor name. node1 Positive terminal node2 Negative terminal C C Capacitance F M M Multiplicity - the number 1 of devices to be placed in parallel scale S Element scale factor 1 T1 T1 First temperature coefficient for capacitance 0 1/deg T2 T2 Second temperature coefficient for capacitance 0 1/deg2 dtemp Dtemp Difference between the capacitor and the circuit temperatures 0 deg l L Length of capacitor m w W Width of capacitor m
Example c capxx e-2 5.0e-4 dtemp=20 The capacitor is named c1. Its terminals are connected to nodes 10 and 20. Its model name is capxx. It has two temperature coefficients, tc1 = 1.5e-2 and tc2 =5.0e-4. Its dtemp = 20. As the model name is capxx, the corresponding.model statement must also contain the word capxx.
CURRENT SOURCE(i) A two-terminal ideal current supply. SYNTAX:- iname node1 node2 [[DC] I] [AC M [P]] name Current source name. node1 Positive terminal node2 Negative terminal. I DC level. (Unit: A) M AC Magnitude. (Unit: A) P AC Phase (Unit: degrees. Default: 0.)
CURRENT CONTROLLED CURRENT SOURCE(f) A two-terminal ideal DC current supply with a level that is a function of one or more control currents. SYNTAX:- fname node1 node2 vname1 K fname Current-controlled current source name Must begin With "f". Node1 Positive terminal. Positive current flows into node1. node2 Negative terminal. Positive current flows out of node2. K Current gain—the ratio of the output current to the control current vname1 Name of the voltage source supplying the control current.
Examples: ftest in gnd vin 1.0 Current-controlled current source ftest has a gain of 1 and is controlled by the current through vin. f1 0 1 vcntrl 2.0 This defines a current source with a level equal to 2 × i(vcntrl), that is, twice the current through vcntrl
Current-Controlled Voltage Source (h) A two-terminal ideal DC voltage supply with a level that is a function of one or more controlling currents. Syntax hname node1 node2 vname1 K hname Current-controlled voltage source name that Must begin with "h" node1 Positive terminal node2 Negative terminal K Transresistance—the ratio of the output voltage to the control current vname1 Name of the voltage source supplying the control current.
EXAMPLE: htest in gnd vin 1.23e4 Here Current-controlled voltage source htest has a transresistance of 12.3 kilohms and is controlled by the current through vin.
Diode (d) A two-terminal p-n junction diode. Syntax Dname node1 node2 model [[area=]A][M=M][tables=T] [L=length][W=width][PJ=PJ][LM=LM] [WM=WM] [LP=LP] [WP=WP ] Name Diode name node1 Positive terminal (p side) node2 Negative terminal (n side) model Diode model name. This is specified elsewhere in the input file in the form.model name [ parameters] Schottky barrier diodes may be simulated using an appropriate specification.
A Area of the diode. (Units: unitless for level 1, square meters for level 3. Default: 1.) M Multiplicity—the number of devices to be placed in parallel (Default: 1.) T Toggle internal tables. When internal tables are on, T-Spice will build a table of current and charge values to speed device evaluation ( Default: 0.) L Length of the diode W Width of the diode PJ Junction periphery. Overrides the model PJ value (UnitsUnits: Unitless for level 1, meters for level 3.)
Examples: D2 n1 n2 dmodel D3 n3 n4 dmodel 3 Here The area factor scales the diode current; thus, D3 provides three times as much current as D2, given the same bias conditions
Inductor (l) A two-terminal inductor. Coupled (mutual) inductors can be defined with the k statement. Syntax lname node1 node2 [L=] [M=M] [scale = scale] [tc1 = tc1] [tc2=tc2] [dtemp= dtemp] [r=resistance]
Parameter Symbol Description Name Inductor name. node1 Positive terminal node2 Negative terminal L L0 Inductance. (Unit: henries. Default: 0.) M M Multiplicity—the number of devices to be placed in parallel. (Default: 1.) scale S Element scale factor. (Default: 1.) Tc1 Tc1 First temperature coefficient for inductance. (Unit: (1/deg C)2). (Default: 0.) Tc2 Tc2 Second temperature coefficient for inductance. (Unit: (1/deg C)2). (Default: 0.) Dtemp Dtemp Difference between the inductor and the circuit temperatures. (Unit: Deg C). (Default: 0.) R R0 Parasitic resistance of the inductor. (Unit: ohm) (Default: 0.)
Examples: L1 na nb 10u The example specifies an inductor with a value of 10 microhenries. L1 a c 25 m=10scale=20R=10 dtemp=20 tc1=1.5e-2 tc2=5e-4
JFET (j) A transistor with drain, gate, and source terminals and an optional fourth terminal. (JFET stands for junction field effect transistor.) Syntax jname drain gate source model [[area=]A] [M=M] [tables=T]
name JFET name. drain Drain terminal. Gate Gate terminal. source Source terminal. model JFET model name This is specified elsewhere in the input file in the form.model name njf|pjf [parameters] A Area scale factor. (Default: 1.) M Multiplicity—the number of devices to be placed in parallel (Default: 1.) T Toggle internal tables. When internal tables are on, T- Spice will build a table of current and charge values to speed device evaluation (Default: 0)
Examples: jout jfet2 j1 vdd in out jfet2 3 Here the area factor scales the generated currents; thus, the currents at the terminals of j1 are three times those at the terminals of jout.
MESFET (z) A transistor with three or four terminals: drain, gate, and source(MESFET stands for metal semiconductor field effect transistor). Syntax zname drain gate source [bulk] model [[area=]A] [l=L] [w=W] [M=M] [tables=T]
name MESFET name. drain Drain terminal gate Gate terminal Source Source terminal bulk Bulk terminal model MESFET model name. This is specified elsewhere in the input file in the form.model name nmf|pmf|njf|pjf [parameters] A Area scale factor. (Default: 1.) L Device length. (Unit: meters) W Device width. (Unit: meters) M Multiplicity—the number of devices to be placed in parallel (Default: 1.) T Toggle internal tables When internal tables are on, T-Spice will build a table of current and charge values to speed device evaluation. (Default: 0.)
Examples zout mfet2 z1 vdd in out mfet2 3 ztest drain gate source vbg nmes1 w=20u l=2u Here The area factor scales the generated current; thus, the currents at the terminals of z1 are three times those at the terminals of zout. The third example shows specification of the bulk terminal and of width and length. The area is fixed by the given width and length.
MOSFET (m) A transistor with four terminals: drain, gate, source, and bulk. (MOSFET stands for metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) Syntax:- mname drain gate source bulk model [l=L] [w=W] [ad=Ad] [pd=Pd] [as=As] [ ps=Ps] [nrd=Nrd] [nrs=Nrs] [rdc=Rdc] [rsc=Rsc] [rsh=Rsh] [geo=Geo] [M=M] [tables=T]
name MOSFET name. Drain Drain terminal. gate Gate terminal. source Source terminal. bulk Bulk terminal. model MOSFET model name. The model is declared elsewhere in the input file in the form:.model name nmos|pmos level=1|2|3|4|5|9|13|20|28|30|31|40|47|49|52|100…[ parameters] L Channel length. (Unit: meters. Default: set by the.options defl command.) W Channel width. (Unit: meters. Default: set by the.options defw command.) Ad Drain area. (Unit: square meters. Default: see “Drain area” Pd Drain perimeter. (Unit: meters. Default: see “Drain perimeter” As Source area. (Unit: square meters. Default: see “Source area.