Mike Andrews August 17, 2012
Week 16 NuMI Activities Leak testing of DI bottles & Casks Complete all bottles & casks RAW Impulse line upgrade Finished installation inside the Target Hall RAW room Target Hall RAW drain system upgrade Complete Target Raw lines on west side of chase Cut into the Horn 1 RAW cooling system & weld the 3" ball valve flanges Cut into the 1.5" Ejector pump supply line to install the 1.5" isolation valve Weld in a 1/2" air line near the 1.5" line on Ejector pump supply line Complete the the draining system for Horn 1 RAW cooling system
Week 16 NuMI Activities NoVA Horn 2 relocation Rebuild the T-Block staging area downstream doghouse Relocate 7 downstream R-block on to chase Move upstream R-blocks for T-block install Survey bottom of chase at new Horn ME location Install Horn 2 stop blocks in new ME location Install air seal on Horn 2 chase opening High pot Horn 2 in work cell Inspect Horn 2 thermocouples Remove work cell covers
Week 16 NuMI Activities NoVA Horn 2 relocation Move Horn 2 into new ME location in chase Move T-blocks from Horn 2 LE location to ME location Hi pot Horn 2 in chase Install R-blocks over LE Horn 2 location Remove all temporary shielding from chase Move 13 new T-blocks from MAB to Target Hall T-block storage area Install new T-blocks into old Horn 2 LE location
Horn 2 Relocation
Horn 2 T-Block Installation
Horn 2 ME Assembly In Place
Next Weeks Activities Start installation of Horn 2 RAW piping in chase Start installation RAW system upgrades in Absorber Hall Install new Target Pile fan HEPA filter locking mechanisms Horn 2 relocation for NoVA/ANU upgrade Survey Horn 2 in ME location in chase Rebuild R-block battlement at Horn 2 LE location Measure for air cap over Horn 2 LE position
NoVA Detector Hall Project Kiewit Construction site activities Complete testing of water treatment facility Drill holes along perimeter of passageway entrance Install additional rock bolts on existing passageway Receive road header components Installing instrumentation including extensometer & crack meters New start turn under of new Detector Hall on Aug excavator & milling head AM-50 road header
US & DS Wall Installation
Excavation Equipment Arriving