Leonardo Da Vinci By ALEX DRAKE
Science and inventions
Reference 1 Web address: Title of page:Leonardo da Vinci Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story... Who put the information there? How reliable do you think the source of information is? Very Reliable ReliableUnreliable Reason for reliability rating: I found a lot of web sites with the same information. How current is the information?CurrentRecentOutdated Is the site regularly updated?WeeklyMonthlyYearlyNever What is the purpose of the site?PersonalPublicPolitical Is there any evidence of bias in the information?YesNo Outline any bias you find: Confidence in accuracy and reliability: Very Confident Confident Not Confident
Reference 2 Web address: Title of page: Who put the information there? How reliable do you think the source of information is? Very Reliable ReliableUnreliable Reason for reliability rating: I went on other web sites and it was the same. How current is the information?CurrentRecentOutdated Is the site regularly updated?WeeklyMonthlyYearlyNever What is the purpose of the site?PersonalPublicPolitical Is there any evidence of bias in the information?YesNo Outline any bias you find: Confidence in accuracy and reliability: Very Confident Confident Not Confident