1Chapter 6: Love
Self-acceptance Acceptance by one’s partner Appreciation of one another Effective communication Commitment 2Chapter 6: Love
Realistic expectations Common interests Collaborative decision making Ability to deal with conflict effectively 3Chapter 6: Love
Love means Knowing the person Caring about the person Having a responsibility toward the person Having respect and dignity for the person Accepting imperfection Growth for both people in the relationship 4Chapter 6: Love
Pseudo-love may look like authentic love, but it stifles growth One whose love is inauthentic Attaches strings to loving and loves conditionally Is possessive Depends on the other person to fill a void in life Needs to be in charge and make decisions for the other person Lacks commitment 5Chapter 6: Love
The duplex theory of love developed by Robert Sternberg contains two parts: The triangular subtheory of love refers to love’s structure: it is composed of one or more of these three components: intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment the subtheory of love as a story refers to love’s development Chapter 6: Love6
Romantic love as an attachment process : Parent–child relations play an important role in establishing secure attachments in adulthood A secure dispositional attachment style was associated positively with compassionate love for one’s romantic partner An avoidant-dismissing attachment style was negatively associated with compassionate love Anxiously attached individuals experience conflicting pressures on commitment Chapter 6: Love7
Myths and misconceptions about love Love is eternal Love implies constant closeness We fall in and out of love Love is exclusive True love is selfless Love and anger are incompatible 8Chapter 6: Love
Technological advances have the potential to enhance relationships, but they can also become a barrier to meaningful connections Texting, tweeting, and checking on your smart phone can hinder intimacy in relationships that really matter to you If you are frequently with others who are distracted by technology, how connected to them do you feel? Chapter 6: Love9
What are common fears associated with loving others and being loved? Fear of isolation Fear of being discovered Uncertainty of love There are NO guarantees 10Chapter 6: Love