Where are they going? In 2013 our students went on to… H E or gap year 142 F E / A Levels 14 Year 14 7 Apprentice / Internship 12 Employment 7 Neet 2 Unknown 7 Scholarship 1 Armed Forces 3 Missionary 1 Total 196
STRUCTURE OF A LEVELS Year 12 AS Level = half of an A Level and carries half of the points of an A Level Year 13 A2 Level = an A Level Some students may pick up an AS subject in Year 13.
TIMETABLE : 25 LESSONS 3 SUBJECTS 3 x 5 lessons= 15 Tutor period= 1 Enrichment= 1 = 17 lessons 4 SUBJECTS 4 x 5 lessons= 20 Tutor period= 1 = 21 lessons
TUTOR PERIODS Study Skills, Time Management and Essay Technique. General Studies. Three introductory lessons, followed by a specification specific carousel programme. Preparation for Post 18 pathways. Started in the summer term.
ENRICHMENT: ‘CHANCES’ COURSES Just a few examples: Duke of Edinburgh Young Enterprise Buddy Reading or Learning Support School Newspaper Classroom Assistant in Primary schools or lower school Gardening club Dance and Drama clubs A wide choice of sporting activities
IMPLICATIONS Their workload at school is high. Private study and Independent Learning. ( hours each week) Between 4 and 8 study periods in school There is NO SUCH THING AS NO WORK TO DO at this level. Part-time jobs - Working up to 10 hours per week can be beneficial, though anything over this is usually detrimental.
Time Flies!
Exams in a year’s time
Time Flies! Exams in a year’s time Study leave in 32 weeks
Time Flies! Exams in a year’s time Study leave in 32 weeks Take off 6 weeks of holidays
Time Flies! Exams in a year’s time Study leave in 32 weeks Take off 6 weeks of holidays A/S lessons end in 26 weeks Or…
Time Flies! Exams in a year’s time Study leave in 32 weeks Take off 6 weeks of holidays A/S lessons end in 26 weeks Or… 130 school days
Take off 4 training days and bank holidays
126 days left
Take off 4 training days and bank holidays 126 days left 1 hour per day per subject
Take off 4 training days and bank holidays 126 days left 1 hour per day per subject 126 hours
Take off 4 training days and bank holidays 126 days left 1 hour per day per subject 126 hours Divide that by 24…
MONITORING AND TRACKING Sept -Target support group identified and mentored Oct - Effort Review between students and Form Tutors Nov-Parents Evening - Tuesday 18th Nov (subject staff) Nov-Attainment Review between students and Form Tutors Jan -Attainment Data collected Mar - Effort and Attainment Review between students and Form Tutors Apr -Connexions interviews for students leaving (May and early June - AS exams) June -Subject interviews with students June -Full academic/ effort report to parents July-Effort and attainment review between students and Form Tutors July-Post 18 Guidance Interviews August 13 th 2015AS Results and discussions
Helping them cope with the transfer from school students to young independent adults. Give them more freedom and choice. Gradually! 6 th FORM IS A HALF-WAY HOUSE
Model behaviour and respect. Attendance and punctuality Clear link between attending and succeeding. Please ring school on 1 st day of absence if possible. (we have 1 st day calling from our attendance clerk). An absence note from parents is still required on return to school. All attendance and punctuality figures appear on any references. SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE…
AS courses started in September. A2 courses start in June, straight after the AS exams! Changes in legislation mean that students can no longer take holidays during term time! TERM TIME HOLIDAYS!
Tailored suit style jacket or jumper (if worn). Tailored suit style trousers. Smart shirt and tie. Footwear-smart shoes or ankle boots. Smart coat (if worn). DRESS CODE - BOYS
Tailored suit style jacket or jumper (if worn). Tailored suit style trousers. Tailored suit style skirt. Blouse or shirt with sleeves. Footwear-smart shoes or ankle boots. Smart coat (if worn). DRESS CODE - GIRLS
Financial Support Contribution towards Travel Costs Available if you live 10 miles or more away from school Bursary 3 categories:High Medium Low Application forms and full details available on the Sixth Form Section of the school website. Deadline 30 th September.
Please get in touch. If we don’t know, we can’t help. We will contact you about problems (“cause for concerns”) Alongside regular updates about effort and attainment. ANY PROBLEMS?
WHO DO YOU CONTACT? In the first instance… Subject issue? Contact the subject teacher. Attendance? In advance - contact the form tutor. Illness on the day – ring school Bursaries – Contact Mrs Morris. Anything else? Contact the Head of Year (Ms Scott) or Assistant Head of Year (Mrs Lemmey)
Progression to year 13 Students can only continue to study subjects where they have an AS grade of an E or higher Students must continue to study at least THREE subjects (excluding General Studies) At least TWO of the three subjects must be A2 subjects (excluding General Studies) If an AS subject is followed this will be stand-alone subject IF THESE CONDITONS ARE NOT MET STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE TO YEAR 13
For students who are unable to continue to year 13 There will be support for students who leave the sixth form at the end of year 12 to find alternative courses to meet their needs Students will not be allowed to re-sit year 12 unless there are severe extenuating circumstances If such circumstances apply please let Mrs Howard know in writing before Friday 21 August These will be reviewed by a panel and students informed in writing of the outcome by Friday 28 th August 2015.
Progression from year 13 A small number of students request to resit subjects after year 13 Applications will be considered on an individual basis based on the students attitude to learning in the 6 th form and other extenuating circumstances If such circumstances apply please let Mrs Howard know in writing before Friday 21 August These will be reviewed by a panel and students informed in writing of the outcome by Friday 28 th August Students will be asked to pay for their own exam entries
Work with us. We both want the same thing. We have a much greater chance of success if we work together!FINALLY….