1. Mosaic Floor with Head of Medusa AD 115-150, Roman, from Rome, Italy, 270.5 x 270.5 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/6576
2. Mosaic Floor with Bear Hunt AD 300-400, Roman, from near Baiae, Italy, 661 x 869 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/6916
3. Mosaic Floor with Orpheus and Animals AD 150-200, Gallo-Roman, from Saint-Romain-en-Gal, France, 385.9 x 457 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/6520
4. Mosaic Floor with Combat between Dares and Entellus AD 175-200, Gallo-Roman, from Villelaure, France, 208 x 208 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/6573
5. Mosaic of a Lion Attacking an Onager AD 150-200, Roman, from Hadrumetum (present-day Sousse), Tunisia, 98.4 x 160 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7069
6. Mosaic Floor with Achilles and Briseis AD 100-300, Roman, from Syria, possibly Antioch (present-day Antakya, Turkey), 231.1 x 240 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/6522
7. Mosaic Floor with Animals ca. AD 400, Roman, from Antioch, Syria (present-day Antakya, Turkey), 257.2 x 682.3 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/6539
8. Mosaic Panel with Griffin AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 160 x 173.4 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/6578
9. Mosaic Panel with Peacock Facing Left AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 196.9 x 115.5 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7290
10. Mosaic Panel with Peacock Facing Right AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 210.2 x 129.5 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7291
11. Mosaic Panel with Donkey and Bird AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 91.4 x 106.7 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7288
12. Mosaic Panel with Eagle AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 81.3 x 57.2 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7294
13. Mosaic Panel with Three Birds and a Tree AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 125.1 x 97.8 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7292
14. Mosaic Panel of Bull and Flowers AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 75 x 109.2 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7293
15. Mosaic Panel with Stag AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 119.4 x 89 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7289
16. Mosaic Panel with Horse AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 147.3 x 146 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7285
17. Mosaic Panel with Bull AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 124.5 x 179.1 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7286
18. Mosaic Panel with Rabbit AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 68.6 x 114.3 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7287
19. Mosaic Panel with a Lion Chasing a Bull AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), 81.3 x 149.9 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7284
20. Mosaic Panel with Head of a Season AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria (or possibly Jordan), 73.7 x 74.3 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/6538
21. Mosaic Panel with Two Male Busts AD 400-600, Roman, from Syria (or possibly Jordan), 48 x 68 cm http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/8506
Roman Mosaics in the J. Paul Getty Museum Alexis Belis (Getty Publications, 2016) http://www.getty.edu/publications/romanmosaics