Tucan By Isabelle
Tucan infant hatches from an egg.
The Tucan mother lays 2 to 4 eggs. Tucan infants are born blind. They leave the nest at 8 weeks old.
Soundof Rainbow Tucan Sound
A Tucan’s diet consist of fruits, seeds, and nuts. Tucans’s spread seeds throughout the rainforest.
The Tucan has 4 predators. They are humans, big cats, and bigger birds. Its main predator is the Jaguar.
Tucan are 40 inches long and can weigh up to 400 grams. They live in the rainforest of eastern South America in the canopy layer in the hollow holes in tree trunks.
The only use for the Tucan’s big bill is to eat fruits and crack nut shells open.
When a Tucan chirps it sounds like a croak. It can be herd from a1/2 a mile away. TTTT oooo uuuu cccc aaaa nnnn,,,, T T T T oooo uuuu cccc aaaa nnnn P P P P rrrr oooo ffff iiii llll eeee,,,, F F F F aaaa cccc tttt ssss,,,, I I I I nnnn ffff oooo rrrr mmmm aaaa tttt iiii oooo nnnn,,,, P P P P hhhh oooo tttt oooo ssss,,,, PPPP iiii cccc tttt uuuu rrrr eeee ssss,,,, S S S S oooo uuuu nnnn dddd ssss,,,, H H H H aaaa bbbb iiii tttt aaaa tttt ssss,,,, R R R R eeee pppp oooo rrrr tttt ssss,,,, N N N N eeee wwww ssss N N N N aaaa tttt iiii oooo nnnn aaaa llll GGGG eeee oooo gggg rrrr aaaa pppp hhhh iiii cccc
Tucans have been flying around the rainforest for longer than any bird in the rainforest. Tucans are very smart.
A Tucan’s tong is feathered!
The scientific name for a Tucan is Ramphastos.
There are over 42 types of Tucans. The toco Tucan is the largest.
Tucans are shy to humans but around other Tucans they are wild.
Tucan’s aren’t good flyers.
A Tucan is related to a wood pecker. They both sleep in holes in trees and eat fruit.
A Tucan’s bill is light and hollow. It is made of keratin (like our finger nails).
Tucan’s are very flexible.
Toucans Video -- National Geographic Toucans Video -- National Geographic
Although the Tucan is on the front of the Fruit loops box they dislike unnatural sugar.
A Tucan’s average life span is 20 years.
Tucan’s are beautiful birds and I hope they will never be extinct.