© 2008 Open Grid Forum Production Grid Infrastructure (PGI) 101 Morris Riedel, Balazs Konya, Moreno Marzolla OGF PGI Working Group Co-Chairs
© 2008 Open Grid Forum 2 Goals of this talk Understand the motivation of the Production Grid Infrastructure (PGI) working group Provide an introduction to the approach of the PGI group instead of providing technical pieces of information Clarify the goals of PGI Highlight the relationshop between GIN and PGI
© 2008 Open Grid Forum Motivation Members of GIN have been working within the OGF to explore the interoperability issues in: jobs submission and job monitoring data access and movement authentication and authorization information representation and discovery Our Goal: Define a working profile including all the above, around a well-defined use case
© 2008 Open Grid Forum Use Case On behalf of an authorized user, a tool interrogates the information system and locates an optimal execution resource The job is submitted to the execution resource The execution resource interprets the submitted job description, and locates and fetches the necessary input data from a remote storage on behalf of the user Upon completion, the output data is uploaded to a storage resource where this user is authorized, registered in the necessary data indexing catalogs, and the job record is updated in the accounting and monitoring system.
© 2008 Open Grid Forum 5 Issues which will be investigated How to efficiently query a Grid Information System? Extend the BES basic resource model taking into consideration the GLUE2 specification Adapt the JSDL:Resource element accordingly How to securely access staged in/out data on behalf of the user? Security should be integrated inside the BES/JSDL/.. specifications, not on the top of them How monitoring/accounting information is going to be updated by the BES execution service? Taking into consideration the Grid user identity which must be transmitted to the BES endpoint
© 2008 Open Grid Forum 6 PGI Goals #1 Prio: Take production Grid experiences into account Apply real e-science applications to check necessary PGI- compliant functionality on GIN infrastructures Formulate a well-defined set of profiles, and additional specifications if needed… For job and data management that are aligned with a Grid security and information model Standardize missing links between different open standard specifications E.g. How to perform an SRM data staging in JSDL documents during a secure OGSA-BES-based job submission Base upon already existing specifications… OGSA-Basic Execution Services (GFD.108), Job Submission Description Language (GFD.136), GridFTP (GFD.20), Storage Resource Manager (GFD.129), and efforts of the GLUE2 Provide feedback to these specifications if possible
© 2008 Open Grid Forum OGF Grid Interoperation Now (GIN) Community Group e-Science applications using standards deployed in Grids Real practical applications that require interoperability Is not allowed to do standardization OGF Production Grid Infrastructure (PGI) Working Group Profile/Standardize a well-defined set of open standards (i.e. OGSA-BES, SRM, JSDL, …) Focus on missing links between emerging open standards Take production experience from GIN into account PGI and GIN complement each other Contacts Page: Relationship with GIN
© 2008 Open Grid Forum 8 PGI Approach Start with existing specifications Check which functionality is missing in those specifications that are required in GIN infrastructures (Maybe even reduce overhead implied by specifications) Once the specifications have been tuned for production Grid needs, we focus on the problems of using them together in real applications missing links PGI will try to standardize those well-known missing links in conjunction with the tuned specifications Test these set of profiles/standards/extensions in collaboration with GIN and their early interoperability use case applications Since many standards are already adopted, the PGI approach should make fast progress having a first reasonable good set ready in 2009
© 2008 Open Grid Forum Goals Production Grid Infrastructure Roadmap Document (GFD-I) Provides an overview of missing links between open standards and the fundamental motivation for standardization of the production grid infrastructure profiles Secure Job and Data Management Profile in Production Grids (GFD-R-P) Develop a job/data/security profile assuming a deployed computing endpoint is already known by an end-user Secure Information Profile in Production Grids (GFD-R-P) Allows a user to discover resources that are appropriate for their request and that they are authorized to access Secure Accounting Profile in Production Grids (GFD-R-P) Develop an accounting profile that allows services to securely update a service within information about the resources they have used on behalf of a user Secure Monitoring Profile in Production Grids (GFD-R-P) Develop a profile that allows services to securely record in a service the progress of an activity.
© 2008 Open Grid Forum Milestone Come to a common proven end-to-end interoperable definition of the services and their interactions within the next 18 months The development work will take place within this time period We feel it is imperative to attempt to do this work within OGF.
© 2008 Open Grid Forum Practical aspects Weekly teleconference Friday, 4:00 PM CET Organized by the co-chairs Announcements to be circulated on the mailing list First teleconference Friday, Jan 9 F2F Kick-off meeting to be organized Possibly before next OGF in Catania Three PGI working sessions booked at next OGF in Catania