the RESEARCH PROCESS Carol Glatt & Honor Zalewski, librarians
the Research Process- Identify and Develop Topic Select a topic for which you can find a manageable amount of information. Try this: You are writing a research paper of 3 pages. Your topic has to be something about an animal. What should you search for? BROAD Narrow Now try this one: on an index card complete the activity. List 5 possible topics for a research paper on “Homelessness” Take the index cards and put the search terms in order from most BROAD to most narrow. Come see a teacher or librarian to check your answers. Station 1
the RESEARCH PROCESS Do a Basic Search Keywords are important Brain storm all the words you can search for your topic. Challenge your partner to see who can come up with the most search terms for this topic! “How are dogs, used as military animals in combat, able to be retrained as household pets?” Station 2
the RESEARCH PROCESS Locate materials Books – library catalog - Databases - Google Scholar Internet Search – helpful hints Searches Try this: pick one of the following topics, research each one using the catalog, database, google scholar, and internet. BROADDog Trainingpost World War II Housing NARROW“training dogs”try Post +"World War II" +Housing Station 3
the RESEARCH PROCESS Evaluate Sources Station 4 How do we know if we can trust a site? There are a couple of key pieces of information that will help us decide if we can trust a site or not. Each of us needs to make up our minds if we can trust the site, in the end it’s a judgement call on the user’s part. But these key pieces of information can help us. Authority Currency Content/Purpose Audience Structure/Workability Visit the sites to the left, decide which are good sources to use, and which are not. One a sticky not put the name of each site and stick it in the circle you feel it belongs
the RESEARCH PROCESS Take Notes Read the short biography of Amelia Earheart On the page use highlighters or crayons to indicate important information Label the notecard as shown, and neatly write your important information on the card. Station 5 Title of article Name of Journal Author Date: Page: Notes: student name
the RESEARCH PROCESS Write Paper Station 6a
the RESEARCH PROCESS Write Paper Using the information on the previous slide put the sentence strips in the correct order as they should appear in an outline. Each color is a set Station 6b
the RESEARCH PROCESS Cite your sources! Use easybib to cite your sources! Log in to set up an account. Click on cite a BOOK – create a citation for the book How do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? By entering the ISBN number from the back of the book Create a citation Human Anatomy Station 7